Dr. Ganesh Baraiya, notable for his significant achievements despite his short stature, has become a prominent figure in India. His journey to becoming a doctor faced initial setbacks when the Medical Council of India denied him entry into the MBBS program due to his height. Undeterred, Baraiya, following his NEET exam success, encountered rejection but remained resolute in his ambitions.
Efforts to overturn the decision led him to seek assistance from the District Collector and the state Education Minister, followed by legal action. Although his initial challenge in the Gujarat High Court was unsuccessful, Baraiya, alongside two other differently abled candidates, escalated the matter to the Supreme Court. Their perseverance paid off in 2018, enabling Baraiya’s MBBS enrollment in 2019.
His internship at Sir-T Hospital in Bhavnagar marked the beginning of his medical career. Baraiya’s height often leads to patients’ initial skepticism. However, this changes as they experience his professionalism and care, ultimately earning him respect and appreciation as their physician.