

Heroic professor lives on…. in the hearts of those he saved

Heroes are not born, but rather, are forged by their circumstances.  Lecturer Syed Hamid Husain, an assistant professor of chemistry…

8 Min Read

Child marriages: CII & talibanisation in the mainstream

Each year,15 million girls are married before the age of 18. That is 28 girls every minute – married off…

6 Min Read

Blast from the past: Vital signs mega hit “Sawali Saloni”

Back in their heyday, Vital Signs made arguably some of the best pop music ever heard in the sub continent.…

2 Min Read

Why Karachi still votes MQM

As the local bodies’ elections fever grips Karachi, arguably the most reviled and hated party by most non Karachi-ite Pakistanis…

5 Min Read

Pakistan: “A series of Unfortunate events”

How many people remember or even know about the following events in Pakistan? On January 1, 2010, a suicide bomber…

6 Min Read

Exclusive: Meet Vanessa O Brien, world renowned climber extraordinaire

Vanessa O'Brien, is arguably the planet’s most well known female climber today. The 50 year British-American made it to the…

8 Min Read

The Cancer of Hate

Some time ago, the social media frenzy about a TV show in which Dr Pervez Hoodhbhoy, Ansar Abbasi and Orya…

5 Min Read

5 books that you need to read to relieve stress

Reading can be the best tool to relax and it works better and faster than other methods to calm frazzled…

6 Min Read

SSG: The Phantom Warriors

They strike as if out of nowhere and then melt into the darkness like ghosts. They are the “Phantom Warriors”…

8 Min Read