US scientists have announced the discovery of a new species of dinosaur. Its fossils offer further clues to how the dinosaurs became extinct 66 million years ago.Anzu wyliei is a strange, bird-like creature that has a bony crest on top of a beaky head and a long tail like a lizard. The animal was identified from the partial remains of three skeletons collected in North and South Dakota. “We had inklings that there might be such a creature out there, but now with these bones we have 80% of the skeleton and can really look in detail at the structure of this animal and make inferences about its biology,” says Hans Sues, curator of vertebrate palaeontology in the department of palaeobiology at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC.He further went to on say “Anzu is really bizarre, even by dinosaur standards. “The skull has this extraordinarily tall and thin crest with a snout and a huge beak with sharp edges and a strange sliding jaw joint,” that could be used to cut up vegetation and meat. The size of a small car, the dinosaur also had claws and feathers on its upper arms. It belongs to a group of dinosaurs known as Oviraptorosauria”
Why this site is full of scientific news? 1st I got the news about some eye stuff and now this? Are you guy obsessed with science. There lot happening out there.