Karachi: Sindh Rangers has claimed that that ambulance of different rescue services are being used to get weapons from one place to the other within as well as outside the Karachi.
According to Rangers spokesperson old media late Sunday night.“Ambulance drivers from several welfare and rescue organizations are working as almost weapons transporter”
Rangers also claim to arrest at least seven suspects belonging to militant outfits during overnight raids in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Water Pump, Saeed Manzil, Gulbahar, and Banaras Colony.
The spokesperson also added “According to the information squeezed out of the suspects, unlicensed guns, ammo, explosives, and other paraphernalia are travelling across the city unchecked in the vehicles used by the emergency responders,”
Under Sindh Arms Ordinance 2013, carrying, moving, or keeping guns without a permit is punishable by the law.