Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi plans to erect the world’s tallest flagpole in Lahore’s Liberty roundabout, entirely funded by the private sector. Contrary to rumours of a 500-feet tall, Rs400 million government-funded flagpole, Naqvi clarified the intention for a 600-feet tall pole costing half the rumoured amount. If financial commitments from private investors arrive on time, groundbreaking is set for August 14.
However, the project has faced criticism. The Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) hesitated earlier due to the immense scope of the project and space constraints in Liberty. An official even labelled a past 200-foot tall flagpole project at Jilani Park as regrettable. Another official critiqued the initiative as shortsighted compared to global achievements. Punjab Information Secretary Ali Nawaz Malik views the endeavour as a potential tourist magnet, though he mentioned possible legal obstacles.
The tallest flagpole stands in Cairo, Egypt, at 662.57 feet.