Renowned Pakistani fashion designer Maria B recently made headlines with her comments about the Pakistani fashion industry during a podcast.
In a podcast on YouTube with Hafiz Ahmed @HafizAhmedOfficial (YouTube), She claimed that 80% of individuals within the industry are part of the LGBTQ community.
In the podcast, Maria B addressed various topics within the fashion sector. The discussion turned to her previous statements against transgender individuals, where she explained her motivations for speaking publicly on LGBTQ issues. She stated her intervention began when claims surfaced on social media asserting that all sexual orientations are permissible in Islam, which she felt compelled to challenge.
Maria B noted that previously, she had not publicly commented on LGBTQ individuals as long as the matter remained private and confined to personal lives. However, she emphasized the importance of religious texts in this debate, mentioning that the Quran references the people of Lut 27 times, a point she believes is often overlooked or underestimated in its significance.
The term LGBTQ refers to individuals who identify with non-traditional sexual orientations and may include those who have changed their gender or have attractions towards the same sex.
Maria B’s statements have sparked conversations about the intersection of cultural, religious, and social dynamics within the Pakistani fashion industry.