In a startling incident, a 32-year-old man from Gujarat, India, took drastic measures to avoid verbally resigning from his job.
Mayur Tarapara, a computer operator in a relative’s diamond company in Surat, deliberately severed four fingers from his left hand to make himself unable to work.
Initially, Tarapara claimed to the police that an accident caused by a fall from his motorcycle while feeling dizzy led to the loss of his fingers. He said he passed out and woke up beside the road without his fingers.
However, despite reviewing CCTV footage, authorities grew suspicious due to inconsistencies in his account and the absence of witnesses. Under further scrutiny, Tarapara admitted to self-inflicted injuries. He had prepared by tying a rope around his arm to limit blood loss and later discarded the knife and fingers in a bag.
“He confessed that he was unwilling to continue working at the diamond factory but struggled to communicate this directly,” noted a crime inspector.
Police are continuing their investigation to uncover all details of this extreme act.