Keanu Reeves, the renowned actor famous for “The Matrix” and “John Wick,” experienced a theft at his Los Angeles home in 2023 when his collection of luxury watches was stolen. Recently, these items surfaced 5600 miles away in Chile, offering a chance for recovery.
In late 2023, burglars targeted Reeves’ residence around Christmas. However, Santiago law enforcement now believes they have located the stolen jewellery.
CNN reports that officials have recovered a $9,000 Rolex Submariner, a gift commemorating his role in “John Wick,” and three other valuable watches.
Authorities in Chile have detained a 21-year-old male suspect linked to the robbery. It remains uncertain if he was directly involved or ended up with the items later.
Police in Chile say they have recovered three watches belonging to "John Wick" star Keanu Reeves – including a $9,000 Rolex – that are thought to have been stolen from the actor's Los Angeles home in late 2023.
— ABC 7 Chicago (@ABC7Chicago) December 29, 2024
This successful recovery involved collaborative efforts between Chilean and U.S. officials, who traced the items back to the break-in at Reeves’ home.
The Los Angeles Police Department notes that this incident marks the third burglary at Reeves’ property. Previously, in September 2014, a woman was arrested twice for attempted break-ins at his home and subsequently sent to a medical facility.
Keanu Reeves' £7,000 Rolex stolen in LA robbery is found 6,000 miles away.
— Mirror Celeb (@MirrorCeleb) December 29, 2024
Another intrusion occurred shortly thereafter when a woman was discovered in his swimming pool, coinciding with the debut of the first “John Wick” film, which grossed $86 million. Reeves has earned $22 million from the franchise across four films.
Read: Keanu Reeves’s New Look for Upcoming Movie ‘Outcome’
The upcoming “John Wick” instalment, set for release in June 2025, will feature Ana de Armas alongside Norman Reedus and Ian McShane, with Reeves also starring in the film titled “Ballerina.”