

Chinese papers mock U.S. election, say scandals bury real issues

Two of China’s main state-run newspapers heaped scorn on the U.S. presidential elections on Saturday, saying the endless stream of…

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Trump caught in 2005 tape making crude remarks on women

A 2005 video of Donald Trump using lewd and sexually aggressive language in discussing women emerged Friday, further fuelling the…

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Creepy clown hoaxes lead to 12 arrests in US

A series of creepy clown sightings across the United States has caused a wave of hysteria, forcing police and schools…

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22 Indian airports on high alert after Intelligence warning of terror attack

Intelligence agencies have warned of a possible terror attack at airports in four states as well as Delhi.  22 airports…

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More than 300 dead in southern Haiti from hurricane: senator

Hurricane Matthew killed more than 300 people as it smashed through southern Haiti, a senator from the region said Thursday.…

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Dozens of Afghan troops missing from military training in U.S

Forty-four Afghan troops visiting the United States for military training have gone missing in less than two years, presumably to…

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Indian army camp in IoK attacked

An Indian army camp was attacked on Thursday morning by militants, according to reports from the Indian media.  According to…

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Philippine leader tells Obama ‘go to hell’

Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday told U.S. President Barack Obama to “go to hell” and said the United States…

5 Min Read

Suicide attack on Syria wedding kills 32: medical source

A suicide bomber has struck a wedding in northeast Syria as the bride and groom were exchanging vows, killing 32…

3 Min Read