

Conceal carry: The Sheep dog Mindset

As crime rates surge and an increasingly ineffective state looks indifferently on, more and more armed legally armed civilians have…

6 Min Read

GB Elections and Diaspora voting rights

 The government of Pakistan had offered to arrange external vote-casting for Afghan citizens/refugees in Afghanistan elections (2004) which was respectfully…

6 Min Read

Ranikot fort: The great wall of Sindh

The ancient fort of Ranikot lies a few kilometers from Sindh. It's also aptly known as the" Deware-Sindh" (The great…

3 Min Read

14 old Kanza dies of food poisoning.. Does anyone care?

As little Kanza was stepping into her teens her life was extinguished  for a reason so trivial it almost boggles…

4 Min Read

An interesting mugging

I decided to go to the friendly neighborhood mosque one fine day last Ramazan. I parked the car a block…

6 Min Read

The Karachi Eat Experience

Cannons to the right of em. Cannons to the left of em.. charged the light brigade. Well, not cannons. But…

4 Min Read

The Heart of Violence

I live in a country where violence is a norm and not a perversion. We have become increasingly immune to…

8 Min Read

Aitzaz Hasan…. Heroes live forever

Aitzaz Hasan was large for his age and was fondly called Motu (fatty) by his friends because of his formidable…

5 Min Read

Quaid-e-Jawan Jibran Nasir through the eyes of his polling agent: An interview with Saadia Tariq

Till a few years ago nobody had heard of this young 20 something UK returned lawyer. Today, the world knows…

6 Min Read