

Blast from the past: Vital signs mega hit “Sawali Saloni”

Back in their heyday, Vital Signs made arguably some of the best pop music ever heard in the sub continent.…

2 Min Read

Why Karachi still votes MQM

As the local bodies’ elections fever grips Karachi, arguably the most reviled and hated party by most non Karachi-ite Pakistanis…

5 Min Read

Pakistan: “A series of Unfortunate events”

How many people remember or even know about the following events in Pakistan? On January 1, 2010, a suicide bomber…

6 Min Read

Exclusive: Meet Vanessa O Brien, world renowned climber extraordinaire

Vanessa O'Brien, is arguably the planet’s most well known female climber today. The 50 year British-American made it to the…

8 Min Read

The Cancer of Hate

Some time ago, the social media frenzy about a TV show in which Dr Pervez Hoodhbhoy, Ansar Abbasi and Orya…

5 Min Read

5 books that you need to read to relieve stress

Reading can be the best tool to relax and it works better and faster than other methods to calm frazzled…

6 Min Read

SSG: The Phantom Warriors

They strike as if out of nowhere and then melt into the darkness like ghosts. They are the “Phantom Warriors”…

8 Min Read

Portrait of a “Loving Addict”

A hairy unkempt man crawling towards the poster of his favourite model and kissing it in absolute rapt silence. Second…

2 Min Read

Conceal carry: The Sheep dog Mindset

As crime rates surge and an increasingly ineffective state looks indifferently on, more and more armed legally armed civilians have…

6 Min Read