

The wonderful world of Medicinal plants III

Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) Chamomile, or ‘ground apple,’ has been around for thousands of years and has been consumed by Romans,…

3 Min Read

How not to try to lose weight?

If you were to search just about any website or for that matter a news portal, or read any magazine…

4 Min Read

The Ever-Increasing Health Benefits of Physical Exercise

The sedentary lifestyle coupled with a near complete lack of any form of physical activity whatsoever, on in plain and…

4 Min Read

The Wonderful World of Medicinal Plants and Their Value in Our Lives (Part II)

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Alfalfa is also referred to as ‘Lucerne’ in many cultures has been used as a food source…

3 Min Read

The Tubby Tyrant and His Favourite Toys

As far as tyrants go, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is as nondescript as they come.  He looks like a…

4 Min Read

The Syrian War and The American Administration Today [Part III)

Once, Donald Trump decided to go after Al Quaida after the destruction of ISIL; he would attack Idlib since it…

4 Min Read

The Syrian War and The American Administration Today

Nevertheless, the Americans have been plying the YPG that America’s NATO ally Turkey sees as an outlawed terror group and…

4 Min Read

When Rain Meets Eid-Ul-Azha in the City of (No) Lights

Rain is supposed to be the ultimate blessing of mama nature. And it may well hold true for most of…

4 Min Read

The Wonderful World of Medicinal Plants and Their Value in Our Lives

Ever since the dawn of civilization (and probably even before,) plants with medicinal values have been used/consumed to treat and…

5 Min Read