Bilawal Bhutto Zardari tweeted a Twitter post indicating Ittefaq Foundry’s 40 million debt of electricity payments with his comments asking “where is Abid Sher Ali?”
Posting on the occasion of Youm-e-Shuhada, he tweeted:
“Our martyrs can no longer speak. Let us pledge to be their voice. we must not let their sacrifice be in vain, 1/3 #YoumeShuhada”
“we will not surrender the country they died defending to the animals who killed them. 2/3 #YoumeShuhada” second part of the tweet said.
He concluded the message in third part of his tweet vowing that martyrs will always have a voice as long as he is alive.
“As long as SMBBs son lives they shall have a voice. 3/3 #YoumeShuhada”