WhatsApp is introducing several enhancements to its video and audio calling features on desktop and mobile platforms, just in time for the holiday season. These updates include a variety of new effects for video calls and better group call functionalities.
WhatsApp now offers ten new video call effects. Users can add fun overlays, such as puppy ears, an underwater scene, or a karaoke microphone effect, to make calls more engaging and enjoyable.
A notable improvement in group chats is the ability to select specific participants for calls without notifying the entire group. This feature simplifies starting conversations with select members without disrupting others in the group.
In its pursuit of enhancing user experience, WhatsApp has upgraded to higher-resolution video for clearer, more vibrant visuals during calls. This improvement is available for individual and group calls, ensuring every participant comes through clearly.
WhatsApp has expanded the Calls tab on its desktop application, adding new options to improve functionality. Users can now start calls, create call links, or dial numbers directly from their desktop, enhancing convenience and usability.
These updates build on WhatsApp’s recent improvements. Earlier this month, the platform introduced typing indicators, which provide visual cues when users type in one-to-one or group chats. This feature allows users to see when others actively participate in a conversation.
Read: WhatsApp Enhances Media Sharing with Default HD Quality Setting
Last month, WhatsApp launched voice message transcripts, which convert voice messages into text. This addition improves accessibility by allowing users to read the content of voice messages. The on-device generation of transcripts ensures privacy, as only the recipient can view them.
WhatsApp’s latest updates significantly enhance the communication experience, making video calls more interactive and group interactions more convenient. With these features, WhatsApp continues to refine its platform, ensuring users can access advanced tools for connecting with friends and family worldwide.