In a surprising event, Karachi’s busy Shara-e-Faisal was graced with the unexpected presence of a lion on Tuesday evening. The city’s main thoroughfare was abuzz as pedestrians and motorists stopped in astonishment to witness the regal beast.
The lion made its way to the parking area near Ayesha Bawani College. Authorities quickly arrived at the scene to ensure the safety of the gathered crowd eager to observe the lion up close.
As word spread, vehicles lined up near Ayesha Bawani College, adding to the spectacle. Initial police investigations revealed that the lion had escaped from a transporting vehicle. The vehicle’s driver has since been taken into custody.
Javed Mehar of the Sindh Wildlife Department commented that keeping lions in residential zones is against wildlife regulations. He shed light on the country’s underground trade where wildlife is kept covertly. He mentioned that the lion’s owner could face a significant penalty.
After a diligent rescue mission that lasted an hour, the lion was safely secured, and its owner was detained by law enforcement.