Days after Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan suffered a stabbing attack inside his Mumbai residence, authorities in Madhya Pradesh have detained a suspect. However, police have not confirmed if this individual is the one who entered Khan’s upscale Bandra home and carried out the attack early Thursday morning.
Saif Ali Khan endured multiple stab wounds, including injuries to his neck and near his spine, and underwent emergency surgery at Lilavati Hospital. He is reportedly recovering well, according to his doctors.
Mumbai Police received notification that a suspect was on an express train. Collaborating with local authorities, they halted the train and ordered the passengers to disembark, sources reported.
This individual bore a resemblance to the suspect wanted in connection with Khan’s stabbing, according to the sources.
CCTV footage from the night of the incident captured the intruder visiting Khan’s building twice and using the stairs to access and escape the actor’s apartment. The video, which emerged on Thursday, shows a person wearing a red scarf and a backpack hurrying down the stairs at around 2:30 a.m.
Later, authorities spotted him at Bandra railway station, raising suspicions that he had boarded a train from there.
“The police are actively investigating the detained individual, but so far, they have not uncovered any definitive evidence,” the sources added.
Earlier, it was reported that the assailant had been captured. However, an official clarified that the carpenter had worked in Khan’s home two days before the attack and was unrelated to the incident. The contractor who employed Waris Ali Salmani informed him of the attack. After extensive questioning, police transported him to an undisclosed location.
Read: Saif Ali Khan Assault: Suspect Footage Emerges on CCTV
Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif Ali Khan’s wife, provided a detailed account of the incident to Mumbai Police, noting the assailant’s aggressive behaviour and repeated attacks on her husband. “Our priority was to rush Saif to the hospital,” she stated.
She also noted that the attacker did not take any valuables. Kareena Kapoor Khan admitted she felt overwhelmed with fear and sought refuge at her sister Karisma’s home after the incident.