Renowned film producer Muhammad Sarwar Bhatti, known for producing the iconic Pakistani film “Maula Jatt,” died of a heart attack in Lahore on Monday.
Bhatti’s notable works include producing major films such as “Maula Jatt,” which propelled Sultan Rahi to stardom, as well as “Chan Waryam,” “Bazaar-e-Husn,” and “Haq Mehr.” He founded Babu Productions but has not been active in film production recently.
His work inspired Bilal Lashari’s “The Legend of Maula Jatt.” Bhatti had hoped to re-release his original “Maula Jatt” and had prepared a digital print, although it never came to fruition. He also aspired to produce “Lakhpal Dakoo,” an unrealised project.
His passing has elicited profound sadness and grief from the film community.