The Punjab School Education Department, responding to the extreme cold weather conditions, has modified the uniform code for educational institutions across the province. In an official communication to district education authorities, the department has directed both public and private schools to suspend the standard uniform code for January and February temporarily. This change permits school children to wear warm clothing, including sweaters, coats, jackets, caps, socks, or shoes, offering greater flexibility during winter. School administrators have been instructed to ensure adherence to this new rule.
Response to Health Concerns and Modified School Operations
This policy adjustment is a broader response to recent health crises and weather challenges. Following the tragic death of 36 children due to pneumonia in Punjab, the department has taken additional measures to protect students. The caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi announced a one-week suspension of classes for students in grade one and below.
Read: Punjab Government’s Response to Pneumonia Outbreak in Children
Furthermore, he emphasized the seriousness of pneumonia infections among children, advocating for the discontinuation of morning assemblies and advising against the attendance of sick students. The Chief Minister also stressed the importance of vaccinating children and the elderly against pneumonia.
These recent developments occurred as schools across Punjab reopened after winter vacations that started on December 18, 2023. To adapt to the persisting cold conditions, the provincial government adjusted school timings from 9:30 am from January 10 to January 22. Additionally, the School Education Department had extended winter holidays for all public and private educational institutions until January 9 in light of the severe weather.