Pohela Boishakh, also known as Poila Baisakh, marks a significant celebration for the Bengali community. It heralds the arrival of the first day of Baishakh, the initial month of the Bengali solar calendar. Celebrated with grandeur, this festival initiates the Bengali New Year, termed Nobo Borso, particularly in West Bengal and Bangladesh.
According to the Hindustan Times, it is also a national holiday in Bangladesh. The festival coincides with other regional New Year celebrations across India, such as Baisakhi in Punjab, Vishu in Kerala, Puthandu in Tamil Nadu, and Bihu in Assam.
During the Mughal era, Pohela Boishakh solved the misalignment of tax collection schedules under the Islamic Hijri calendar with the solar agricultural cycles. Thus, the Bengali community introduced this festival and the related Bengali calendar, subsequently known as Bangabda.
The celebrations of Pohela Boishakh align with the harvest season, reinforcing its significance. On this day, festivities include purchasing new attire, preparing unique dishes, and adorning homes with traditional “alpona” designs. Fairs are a common sight, adding to the vibrant atmosphere.
Greetings such as “Shubho Nobo Borsho,” which means “Happy New Year,” resonate among the celebrants, fostering a sense of community and renewal.
Furthermore, Pohela Boishakh is commercially important. Traders mark the occasion by inaugurating their new fiscal year by opening fresh account books, known as Haal Khaata. This ritual underscores the day’s significance in both cultural and economic spheres.