Approximately 60 representatives from the U.S. Department of State, faculty members and administrators from U.S. universities and administrators and faculty members from universities in Pakistan attending an ongoing University Partnerships Conference at UNT’s Gateway Center in Denton, Texas.
After inaugural event the UNT-NUML partnership director Masood Ashraf Raja said that the workshop participants will learn about U.S. universities’ partnerships with universities in Pakistan.
One such partnership is between UNT and the National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.
UNT received a $1 million grant from the U.S. State Department’s Public Diplomacy Programs for Afghanistan and Pakistan to fund the initiatives, which include UNT faculty members traveling to Islamabad to assist with curriculum restructuring in NUML’s graduate Department of English, and NUML faculty members and graduate students visiting UNT for curriculum development training and research.