Narain Singh Chaura, previously identified as a former Khalistani terrorist, was involved in an incident on Wednesday where he fired at Shiromani Akali Dal leader Sukhbir Singh Badal. Badal was serving as a ‘sewadar’ at a Sikh shrine’s main gate, where Chaura missed his target due to the intervention of plainclothes policemen.
Chaura had visited the Golden Temple the day before the attack, under police surveillance due to his history. Amritsar Police Commissioner Gurpreet Singh Bhullar commended the police’s vigilance for thwarting the assassination attempt and confirmed the seizure of a 9 mm pistol from Chaura.
The police aim to explore all aspects of the case, including potential organizational involvement or whether the act was an attempt to garner sympathy. Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police Harpal Singh highlighted the police’s ongoing surveillance of Chaura, stressing their preparedness.
Controversy arose when senior SAD leader Bikram Singh Majithia criticized the police for not apprehending Chaura sooner despite his presence in the area and serious criminal charges against him. Majithia expressed concerns about the police’s actions, suggesting negligence.
During the incident, ASI Jasbir Singh acted swiftly to neutralize the threat to Badal, who was in a wheelchair due to a leg injury. The quick response prevented any harm to Badal.
Commissioner Bhullar assured that the investigation would be thorough and transparent, addressing all possible motives and the security measures at the shrine, where religious sensitivities limit frisking. He also noted that an interrogation and review of CCTV footage were underway to determine if Chaura acted alone.
Special Director General of Police Arpit Shukla reported that Chaura faces over 20 criminal charges, including involvement in the 2004 Burail jailbreak. Despite these allegations, Chaura had been out on bail and residing in Punjab. His wife, Jasmeet Kaur, acknowledged his visit to the Golden Temple and condemned his actions.