In New Zealand, an inquiry is underway following a distressing event where numerous juvenile eels perished in the Kauritutahi stream. This incident marks the year’s second significant loss.
The Ministry for Primary Industries is investigating why over 3,500 young eels died. Situated at North Island’s northern tip, the cause is suspected of pollution, yet climate change’s role, potentially leading to stressful conditions, is not dismissed.
Rissa Williams of Biosecurity NZ mentioned the possibility of stress-induced mortality, potentially linked to relocation efforts, with all theories considered. Meanwhile, Northpower Network’s Josie Boyd is investigating environmental influences.
Boyd highlighted the continuous evaluation of eel relocation strategies, noting the low survival rates of eels during migration. Edward, a community protector, observed a decline in the stream’s quality over recent years, attributing it to climate change effects like algae growth from warmer waters.
Dr. Simon Stewart from Cawthron Institute noted various stress factors, including food and habitat. Edward emphasized the importance of improving the health of New Zealand’s waterways to prevent such tragedies.