Sabzazar police recently detained a young man named Usman, accused of murdering Muhammad Riaz on January 1, for compensation that included two Umrah tickets and a motorcycle.
According to police, Usman was allegedly commissioned by Imtiaz, Riaz’s brother-in-law, due to a property conflict. Imtiaz, who had earlier transferred his house into his wife’s name, sought its return following a marital dispute. However, his wife declined, opting to consult her brother Riaz before any decisions.
The conflict intensified, resulting in sharp verbal exchanges. Subsequently, Imtiaz’s wife left him to stay with Riaz.
Allegations have emerged that Imtiaz then hired Usman to assassinate Riaz. Using Safe City camera footage and call data records, the police successfully located and arrested Usman. Efforts are ongoing to apprehend Imtiaz, the other suspect involved in this case.