While speaking at the 17th World Urdu Conference in Karachi, Megastar Mahira Khan shared an intriguing anecdote about her attempts to shop incognito in Karachi and Lahore’s bazaars. She disclosed that despite wearing a burqa, fans still recognize her by her voice.
Mahira celebrated her role in the drama “Humsafar” and shared a conversation with her manager about exploring popular local markets like Lighthouse, attracted by the unique items. She expressed her desire to visit these markets while disguised in a burqa to blend in seamlessly.
However, Mahira explained that even while fully covered, maintaining anonymity proved challenging. When approached by people asking if she was Mahira Khan, she humorously denied it, insisting she was not.
Mahira has gained international recognition and was recently honoured in the UK Parliament for her contributions as a cultural ambassador.
Read: Mahira Khan Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from UK Parliament