The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Monday directed the release of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Senior Vice President Sher Afzal Marwat, who was detained under the Maintenance of Public Order (MPO) Act last week.
Marwat’s arrest had occurred on December 14 outside the LHC, where he intended to join a protest. The footage of his arrest, showing him being forcefully taken by the police, sparked widespread criticism among PTI leaders and legal communities.
The police justified Marwat’s arrest under the MPO, a law that allows for the detention of individuals deemed a threat to public safety or order. PTI leaders strongly condemned the lawyers’ arrest and accused the caretaker government of facilitating the arrest amid the ongoing political tensions.
Following a petition by Marwat’s brother on Friday, the LHC issued notices to the police and Lahore’s deputy commissioner, challenging the legality of Marwat’s detention. In response, the Punjab government advised that the matter should first be addressed to the relevant authorities. However, Justice Shehram Sarwar Chaudhry dismissed this suggestion and ordered Marwat’s release against surety bonds.
Sher Afzal Marwat, who also serves as counsel for former Prime Minister Imran Khan, has gained prominence with his active participation in PTI events. His recent appointment as the party’s senior vice president is critical when many core PTI leaders are hiding or have distanced themselves from the party.
Marwat has faced legal challenges, including accusations of instigating public unrest and a case registered against him in Dera Ismail Khan. Despite these challenges, the Peshawar High Court previously ordered the KP government not to arrest him pending further orders in multiple cases.