Bollywood director Kabir Khan has arrived in Karachi. However, the Bajrangi Bhaijaan director isn’t here for a Lollywood project or a collaboration of any sort.
Actually he is in Karachi to attend a marketing conference.
The Marcon ’16 conference gathers “leaders and marketers in search of new ideas and fresh sources of creativity,” according to it’s pamphlet.
Pakistan’s who’s who including Javed Shiekh and Zeba Bakhtiar can’t help but take selfies with Kabir!
This is Kabir’s second visit to Pakistan. He was previously spotted in Lahore a couple of months ago. Last year, Kabir had become the center of attention after delivering a blockbuster hit in the form of Bajrangi Bhaijaan and later making Phantom, which caused a lot of controversy after it was banned in Pakistan.