Indian TV actor Aman Jaiswal, celebrated for his leading role in the show “Dhartiputra Nandini,” died tragically at the age of 23 following a road accident.
Dhiraj Mishra, the show’s writer, verified Jaiswal’s death to India Today Digital, sharing the details surrounding the tragic incident. “Aman was heading to an audition on Jogeshwari Highway when a truck collided with his bike,” Mishra stated.
The accident occurred while Jaiswal was riding his bike. His friend, Abhinesh Mishra, reported that bystanders rushed Jaiswal to Cama Hospital immediately following the collision.
Despite the rapid medical response, Jaiswal succumbed to his injuries approximately thirty minutes after the accident. Jaiswal was best known for his compelling performance in “Dhartiputra Nandini,” marking a significant loss to the Indian television community.