More and more people have now started looking at firearms not as tools to defend and protect but as instruments of evil
Lately we have had the anti Gun lobby working over time trying to ‘Deweaponise Karachi and eventually the whole of Pakistan. ‘Deweaponisation’ is touted as both a mantra and a panacea of every evil that plagues our land. ‘Have been’ celebrities like Khalid Anum have also jumped this band wagon and proclaim their ‘love’ for the country by trying to remove ‘licensed firearms’ from the homes and the streets.
Naturally they offer no solution as to how to remove the vast number of illegal weapons that are ‘actually’ used to commit crimes.
The most vehement anti-gun proponents, both NGOs and politicians of course, have large numbers of ‘armed’ guards who protect their homes and loves ones 24/7. If ‘just’ the other law enforcement agencies are not good enough for them. Why do they think they are enough and indeed more then enough for people who do have neither the resources nor the privilege of moving in heavily armed and escorted convoys
Things have come to such an impasse that one cannot even go out on the street without looking at an image of a man dropping a gun into a dustbin screen printed on almost every public space! The purpose of such pressure groups and NGOs is to eventually force the govt. into banning all legal weapons and confiscating such fire arms from the law abiding public.
I wonder just how effective this campaign is in persuading the criminal elements into throwing down their weapons and living a life free from crime. People like the infamous “white Corolla” Rapist. A man known for raping a child in the back seat while her mother was held hostage at gun point in the front seat.
That particular individual once gave a choice to a newly married husband who just had dinner with his family at Karachi’s Upscale ‘Bar-B-Que Tonite’ restaurant. The choice was who to kidnap? His bride or his sister? The anguished husband chose his bride and saved his unmarried sister. But the emotional trauma proved too much for him to handle. When his wife was casually thrown out of the car a couple of days later. It was too late for him. He had already committed suicide.
A rising star in the pharmaceutical industry, his home has been shattered. Death is inevitable for all of us. But one wonders had he had a licensed fire arm and the necessary training to defend himself and his loved ones. Maybe it would not have been him who died. But his tormentors…. Who went to on continue their spree since there was no one who ever offered any resistance.
Hajiano, the alleged ‘white corrolla’ rapist was eventually arrested. But has been held without any charges since women survivors of such a ghastly crime in our socio-cultural milieu almost never speak out in public on what is perceived to be the ‘disgrace’ of the entire family.
Doubtless one day he will be set free to continue yet another reign of terror on the streets. After all this is not the first time he has been arrested and released.
Sadly, his, is the only case that made the limelight. There are countless similar predators preying on the week and the helpless. Why helpless? Because thanks to the increasingly strident clamour of the anti-gun lobby. More and more people have now started looking at firearms not as tools to defend and protect but as instruments of evil. Whose mere possession makes a person in league with the devil.
Guns have been invented by horrible people to do horrid things. They have no purpose except to kill and hurt.
There is no difference between legal and illigal guns. The both hurt and kill the same!
Atta Babur you are wrong, you got correct your stats right. most population of UAE are foreigners. As a foreigner you'll have no chance of getting a gun licence there. You can shoot .22 rifles at Sharja shooting club at most but its a 50m range. There is a new International Shooting Club opening in AD soon at Al Forsan.
Irfan Ashraf
Yes.. If all guns are destroyed even bad guys won't have guns either and the world will be a nicer place. We all have to do our bit! and by starting today we can make the world a better place to live in 🙂
Irfan Ashraf
Allah is the best of protectors.. Once we have Him we don't really need guns at all
Irfan Ashraf destroying all guns, for the sake of World Peace
Irfan Ashraf
Yes but the world of today is a lot more violent. In those days brute strength determined who lived and died. Now a gun can kill some from almost a mile away. It has desensitised death.. Made it too easy and packaged it in a convenient package
Jaffar Ali they think, feminine don't know how to shot, they are better shooter than men. like Annie Oakley, i am sure they don't know who she was.
Irfan Ashraf He should recite the 4 Qul to Quell the misgiving in his heart.. Had the state not been withered away by private armies of gun owners he should have called the cops
legal weapons are a right of all free, peaceful citizens. No anti gun lobbyist has the right to snatch our right of our families' defence from us. The so called lovers of peace should take practical steps to annihilate illegal weapons, if they want peace…
Irfan Ashraf A gun lover who has never heard of Annie Oaklay.. One of the greatest sports shooters of all time.. She was a class act.. i think, you should do google a bit …
No sane person can even think of banning legal weapons. That's it.
Instead of attacking guns, what we really need is to register the mentally ill
I have gone through the comments and have a question to ask?
Is keeping a licensed gun wrong?
Can anyone quote some numbers of how many licensed weapon we have in Sind alone, to my knowledge over 0.5 Million are issued by the province and that not all. Collectively the number should be 1 million and how many cases of crime are reported with a legally armed man???
Basically its the BGs who insist to keep one, at least I can quote my example, I was never in favor of keeping a firearm but after being my 6 cell phones snatched, sacrificing my brand new car to armed robbers and the story doesnot ends here they even pointed pistol on my son when he was just 6 months. A slightest wrong move could have finished my world forever.
i tolerated once and then twice but the incidents keeps on happening so had to look for some prevention. We cannot stay home all time nor can restrict our families to the boundary walls at the safe time wanted to be equipped to tackle situations like these so get myself armed and little trained to handle re-occurrence if happens.
Thanks to Almighty Allah nothing happened since then but I feel myself ready to handle the situation my way.
Enough is enough and we are continuously getting news target killers arrested and the numbers are in thousands. How many were brought to court just 100-150 vs. over 5000 arrests and from these 100-150 how many are punished "NONE" yes, all are released. As said Hajiono will be back in action and so will be the case with culprits released by court.
I rest my case here for further comments.
I definitely DONT Agree.. The root cause of "ALL" violence are guns.. You ban them and destroy them.. The world will be a safer place.. Security is the duty of the state. How can the state do its job if we appropriate the right to violence that should only and only belong to the state?
This will lead to anarchy.. and ultimately disintegration of society.
No the first step to wards a sane and peaceful society is to ban weapons and licenses
i respectfulyy disagree sir.
Its the moral obligation of ALL peaceful citizens to demonize weapons and ensure their eventual destruction..
Remember a peaceful society is a gun-free society!
Jaffar Ali if u look at the statistics, switzerland has much less crime percentage and much higher gun percentage than Pakistan, When a burgular, dacoit, rapist would know that he will need to back his actions by his life, he would think thrice before attacking someone. Please prove ur claim of a gun free society being a peaceful society. peace is ensured by effective policing, justice and accountability not by leaving a man helpless without a legal weapon. We advocate legal firearms not illegal ones. If i give in my guns would u provide guarantee of my family's safety?
Jaffar Ali, Pakistan would be a heaven if this ever happens but chances are even less than minimal. Law of the land allows us to keep weapon legally in a concealed manner and trust me all license holders act in accordance with the legalities whereas the nefarios are allowed to do what they want and tell me can you be a obstruction for them empty handed "No you cannot".
Tell me how would your family like a gunman with them as a guard or someone who wants their hard earned money or even life on a gun point?
3 days back 41 people died on the national highway in an accident between a bus and a trailer, should we ban buses and trucks now?
Can't u see that the state has failed at its security job? and that too miserably? Dear brother its every man's duty to protect his loved ones and community not just the state's.
Fraz Nawaz thats not the rational, medicines are meant to cure, however over doze can cause the casualty. My point is that we should play our role and let the Govt do their. If the state has failed then we will end up like syria and Lybia. Besides , as you yourself can see yours are the views of a tiny minority of the educated masses.
Jaffar Ali bro, u myself have supported my idea with the medicine example. Guns are a medicine to cure crime, overdose (access to bad guys) is bad. We are playing our role by keeping our guns for safe use, self and home defence. I know a number of educated gun enthusiasts who have never done aerial firing, never display their guns for show off. They only conceal carry for the purpose of protection and occasional shooting at the range. This is everyone's basic right and i will not let anyone take that away from me. Islam gives us this right, hathyar momin ka zewar hai… If we end up like Syria or Lybia it would not be because of guns but because of our distance from our religion and adherence to American commands, thats it. India has a lesser gun percentage, are they more peaceful than us? America has a much higher gun percentage, is their domestic life more violent than ours ?
I concur with Zain and Fraz’s comments
At the end of the day self defence is the integral right of every human being. No individual or group of individuals should have the authority to take it away from us.
Fraz Nawaz the problem is with the mentality of owning guns per se.
As long as we continue to advocate the owning of weapons.. People will want to buy them.. and then they all want to use them. and people will die! And the state will wither away .. eventually to nothing.. and we will end up like somalia and Libia
Ban cars they are responsible for more deaths annually! Your statement makes me probe your sanity, if there is no difference between legal and illegal guns why the hell are your law enforcement authorities armed with weapons? Its a Sunnah of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) that every believer should keep weapons for defense.
Outlawing guns will ensure only outlaws have guns.
You need to focus on snatching guns from the terrorists who kill innocent people, and not the innocent people who keep weapons to protect themselves, their loved ones and their property.
Well, following your logic, I say KNIVES have been invented by horrible people to do horrid things. They have no purpose except to kill and hurt.
You need to ban knives first. Ever heard of mass slaughters involving knives? That is frequent in places they TRIED banning guns. Give it a hit on Google.
People in favour of guns, just know to how to use them.They don't know how to argue in favour of guns. there are lot of other ways to get the things done. I think, using guns even for self-defence should be ban. A good fighter can also do maximum damage with two hands. Weak people use guns.
Jaffar Ali UAE has 3 guns per person and gun crime is 0. Rather, violant crime is almost 0. Switzerland has largest ownership of Automatic Rifles (with civilians of course), gun crime is 0. Israel also has large ownership of guns, crime rate is 0. So, A peaceful society is ARMED SOCIETY. Further, it is must for a Muslim to have arms at home. Yes! It is must!
Arms balance the power. Otherwise, there would have been law of jungle. Powerful would have eaten up the weak. A majority would have killed the minority. These are the arms which keep them at bay.
In England, they have taken all the weapons. Still there are crime. In Japan, you cannot own gun, still there are gangs committing crimes. It is not the case with Switzerland, Israel, UAE. Why? Because, everybody has guns (not just a gun).
Well this country was created as an Islamic state (debatable) and the teachings of Islam are that the believers should have weapons so they aren't a bunch of hopeless creatures at the mercy of the ever-increasing bad guys and the state institutions itself.
Its due to people with same thoughts as yours that this country was forceably snatched by dictators, throughout history.
I bet you're just a keyboard warrior. If you're NOT, I dare you to combat a dozen bad guys armed with AK47s with your hands. Even the most experienced martial arts experts wont be stupid enough to combat armed guys with bare hands. What insane talk. Rubbish.
Yes Jaffar Ali guns should be banned, destroyed but every citizen should be given right to have at least one until the day there's no single bad guy has a gun.
By your definition I'm sure there's NO good fighter in the world. Maybe you can be the first one and take a leap, face a gang of armed men with your hand.
I know how to use my jewellery, guns that is. You have any doubt, come to my place you're invited, I'll teach you.
If using guns for self defense should be banned…. use of guns by criminals and LEAs should be banned first. You need to stop bad guys using guns on us innocents, so that we don't use our guns to safeguard our life and property.
May Allah save you from the day when you need your two hands to save your & your loved one's life from a WEAK cocked gun holding bad guy; using two hands.
Its the moral obligation of ALL peaceful and SANE citizens to demonize those spreading false news of how a gun free society is a safe society. Its the other way round, get your facts straight.
Why do mass shootings always occur in gun free zones?
Why is Switzerland (with the highest gun ownership per civilian) the safest place on this planet?
Why are there high mass knife stabbing deaths in China and Japan where guns are banned?
Why aren't there shootings at gun shows?
Why do people like you want civilians (the true people of the land) be unarmed when the filthy institutions are armed with weapons of mass destruction, when most genocides, OR ALL in this country have been by the rulers?
Why is it that the rulers have truck loads of guards with assault weapons? Disarm them then come to me.
Why don't I get armed guards?
Encea Unorthodox Primate lolx. Tthey just know how to use guns and only read the preamble of the law and abstract
The Quran tells us to equip and prepare our selves against the enemies we know of and enemies we don’t know of. The Quran speaks of arming oneself in several places. Then there are countless hadeeth about vritues of those who keep weapons and practice with them, In one of the hadeeth target shooting has been defined as one of the best ways to spend free time.
According to Islam those who die protecting this families, wealth and Izaat are Shaheed. At the time of death of Rasool Allah SAW there were 11 swords hanging on his wall.
What are you guys talking about? Are you going to provide logic against Quran and Sunnah? If Allah is recommending us to do so then what explanation can anyone of you have?
Even if I keep religion on the side, every citizen has the right to self defense and protect them selves. Had our country not been so dangerous, you would see Cops carrying 32 bore revolvers but what is the most common weapon you see in Pakistan with Cops…? An AK47..? You do realize that Ak is a war gun, a prohibited bore weapon. After that you see them carrying long machine guns and G3s which are hardcore open field war weapons? Are these guys just crazy to be carrying these weapons? There must be a reason right?
Until law and order is fixed in this country, until things are brought in control, we as citizens who are targeted from all angels possess every right to own a weapon and get appropriate training.
The security forces have clearly failed and neither do we depend upon them anymore. Now the one last favor they can do is atleast let us protect our selves.
Hmmm ever wondered why virtually all violence is centred in the muslim world??
Dude I thought the UAE was in the Muslim world. 3 guns per local. Way to go.
whats the use? most population consist of foreigners.
Why only single out firearm owners for this treatment.
Lets ban buses,taxis,cars,motorcycles,solid food,acid batteries,knives,axes,petrol,Bleach,mobile phones,water,shoes with spikes,bricks,fertilizers,tractors,trucks,electricity……………………………………………………….the list goes on.
Oh wait……………because there is a right way to use them and then there is a wrong way.Punishing the lawful owners of firearms would be like not drinking water because we can drown in it.
Encea Unorthodox Primate You dumb enough to not understand what 3 guns per person means? That means if you divide the total number of guns owned by civilians, divided by the total population it comes to 3.
Why aren't those guns involved in shootings? Get your facts straight!
Jaffar Ali we have the guts to stand for our rights unlike the cowards this nation mostly has!
Its our God given, Constitution of Pakistan written right!
We talk facts, unlike you!
Preamble of the law? You ever read the law yourself? Go read it and come to me. I love proving people like you wrong!
Encea Unorthodox Primate And what to start from today ?
Encea Unorthodox Primate You need to take and destroy guns of bad guys before. And that is IMPOSSIBLE. Since the inception of mankind there have been trouble makers who miss use weapons. You never heard anyone asking to ban swords when swords were used in the killing of millions? You cannot ban guns. By starting today, go and snatch guns from the bad guys. I'll wait.
Encea Unorthodox Primate You understand what 3 guns per person means? Total number of guns owned by civilians / population. No incidents of mass shooting thus prove an armed society is a polite society.
Encea Unorthodox Primate Go ahead take guns from the bad guys and the terrorist and destroy them. Until then I'll sit and laugh at your comment.
Hear me out, "You can have my guns when your pry them from my cold, dead hands". NUFF SAID. Try and take it if you can.
Encea Unorthodox Primate ; not even a sword ? most popular, most modern, most brutal weapon of its time that was ordered by Allah to always keep ready & in shape.
And wouldn't it be gun (in place of sword) if guns were invented & in use by then? to my belief it sure would have been guns.
For every citizen gun is must.
The situation in karachi is getting worse day by day, no one helps you in needs but a gun can save you and your loved ones live.
We are tax payers and we have a right to defend ourselves if government is not protecting us.
In my view, first caught criminals moving freely with illegal weapons then asks valuable and tax payers citizens to surrender arms.
Owning a licensed arms is not a crime but our right.
May Allah Talah save us from all problems.
owning a gun gives us the right to use lethal force. In fact it gives a person lethal force sitting in his pocket. Any one in the heat of the moment can use the weapon and in a fraction of a second families are ruined and lives lost.
Knives just like the one in the kitchen have caused more deaths specially in countries they’ve banned guns. In the heat of the moment it can lead to families ruined and lives lost. Ban the knife.
Yes cause you are a bunch of people who don’t fight for their rights, and don’t have the guts to even say a word against Un Islamic military dictators, who arm men and label them Jihadis.
Encea Unorthodox Primate I'll wait for you to take away guns from each and every bad guy, until then I'll sit and laugh at your comment.
Listen out! "You can have my guns when your pry them from my cold, dead hands." Nuff said.
Its our basic right to have fire arms to protect our selves and Islam teach us the same.
Encea Unorthodox Primate
I think unarmed foreigners vs armed (by 3 for 1) locals is the cause of that place being so peaceful; armed foreigners or (even unarmed foreigners in majority vs unarmed locals) make their visiting place like our country is in these days:(
Encea Unorthodox Primate What are you talking about? Again pointless discussion. We encourage and train our women to use guns so they are safe unlike what you want, unarmed men and women roaming the streets full of pigs.
Even I would like to add one more thing. Every civilized nation allow people to have fire arms for self protection.
Encea Unorthodox Primate So we should let the bad guys target us with guns, and we sit unarmed?
Allah has said do you part, and then leave the matter to me. You need to learn Islam. You don't keep your camel roaming the desert, you tie it, and then let Allah do the rest.
Encea Unorthodox Primate You bring the guns of the bad guys, till then I sit and laugh at your comment.
"You can have my guns when your pry them from my cold, dead hands."
Encea Unorthodox Primate Allah has asked you to do your part and then leave the matter to him. You tie your camel and then pray to Allah it stays safe. You dont leave it open.
So we should let the bad guys equipped with such modern guns shoot us, and we should keep disarmed. Rubbish. Its my God given right, the Constitution ensures my right of self defense.
Jaffar Ali, whats the use? Use your brain. The use is its a safe haven for foreigners, investors, tourists. Its a thriving nation.
And if you have unarmed civilians, and armed foreigners as in Pakistan. You see where its leading to?
Thats precisely what I am saying.. The state has ABSOLUTE monopoly over violence there.. which is why every one is safe! Make the state strong not privately owned militias with their own agendas. See where that leads to?
It leads to 3 guns per local citizen on the UAE. What don’t you get in that. The locals are powerful enough to safeguard foreigners.
Encea Unorthodox Primate
She must have been a killer (being a firearm shooter); how many she killed & to what extent distress n pain she caused to the society? what side are you on by the way 😉
Encea Unorthodox Primate
OK you go destroying guns in your neighborhood 😉 I just got a call from my anti gun neighbor that he have seen 2-3 suspicious sounding persons in front of his house 🙂
Irfan Ashraf At your service, call me if needed 😉
“You can have my guns when your pry them from my cold, dead hands”
I have read that hackneyed cliche lots of times.. But systematic gun control such as in autralia has been achieved. hey used to have those nutters blowing people away a lot till they banned handguns by and large.. It worked..
How dare you call my freedom a hackneyed phrase? You will get that each time you jump for my defense, my gun.
Systematic gun control? US citizens are overwhelmingly armed. UK banned handguns in 1992. Which nation has more violent crime per 100,000 people? The UK, by 500%.
Guns ownership is restricted to just a bunch in India, their crime rate is higher than ours.
Talking about Australia, they have long guns. The only difference is they have knife stabbing incidents now. Their LEAs are not corrupt. They don’t have foreigners with guns. They lose their right to keep handguns, their problem.
I won’t, my religion Islam permits me. Don’t know about yours.
Switzerland has highest automatic gun ownership per citizen. They don’t feel the need to waste their GDP on a corrupt armed force.
Nuff said.
Encea Unorthodox Primate Allah has ordered Muslim men to keep armed against threats to life and property. Recite the 4 qul and keep the weapon in your hand. Private armies of gun owners? NO. We need to have them but we don't. Hence the high crime rate.
Encea Unorthodox Primate Well you should google gun owners, we are responsible gun owners that enough for us.
Stop copying pasting stats, i think you should come up with a real stats 🙂
India is a whole lot safer. Why? cause there rapists and murderers actually get hanged.. Since the state retains its monopoly on violence people actually respect the law! its a vicious circle.. since people have the means here of making a mockery of the law.. thats precisely what they do!
Give the monopoly of violence to the state and every body sleeps in peace.
who said rapists are hanged in India? India is in the global news every other day because of rape stories. and my dear friend please check the number of deaths in India in every riot
Encea Unorthodox Primate lol, No use to argue, very well said
Why the heck would I copy paste facts? I have knowledge, you don’t you anti gun zealots keep flapping gums in ignorance. Getting the facts straights hurts, I know, as it’s against your ideology. The difference between a free man and a slave is the possession of arms.
Its visible how people like you are the reason the 99% people of Pakistan are suppressed by dictators.
These are real facts, however yours are bluffed.
The biggest mockery of the law is breaking the Constitution of the country and we all know who does it well 😉
All nations that blindly trusted their institutions were failed states.
An unarmed nation is the easiest thing for a takeover and genocide by the rulers.
As the state is a failed state its responsibility of each and everyone to protect themself.
You talk about sleeping in peace, the genocides in this country are sponsored by institutions. Nobody sleeps in peace.
Response time of Pakistani police is 1-2 hours. That’s enough to get you killed a 100 times.
The LEAs reach when an innocent has been killed.
When theres a bad guy pointing his gun on your forehead, a gun in hand would be a sensible option.
Retards would think about calling the police to inspect his dead body.
You don’t want to protect yourself, you want to rely on others, go ahead.
If you talk about my right, I will protect it whenever necessary.
Encea Unorthodox Primate I agree… Death should not be so easy. Its terrifying what modern weapons can do
Jaffar Ali Yeah no use to argue as you don't know what youre talking about.
We train our women to protect themselves. You say we don't. Youre a bunch of confused oppressed creatures.
Jaffar Ali A sharp knife is a MUCH MUCH more lethal tool at close range than a handgun. Ban that.
Death is very easy, ever read about sword warfare? All it takes is a slash and lights out.
Atta Babur
your facts about UAE has already been proven wrong by Encea Unorthodox. USA has the most gun violence in the world. Why? because the get a gun just showing their photo ID and in some states its not mandatory
Jaffar Ali UAE citizens are only the ones by descent. They have 3 guns to 1 person. You are proved wrong.
USA has the most gun violence in the world? Where do you get all this bluffed up rubbish from? Its one of the safest places on the planet.. EXCEPT for a handful of states that regulate ownership of guns. They have more gun violence in those states. Look up Chicago gun violence. It has the strictest gun laws in the country and highest gun violence.
They get a gun just by showing their photo ID, that is the reason their president can sack their chief of army staff over an unprofessional remark.
Don't compare your uncivilized nation to theirs. Its much safer than yours, where nobody is safe.
U dont trust the state and its institutions. They are responsibile for upholding the law. Ergo U dont want them to uphold the law and hence u want a weak state and the weaker the state the bigger the vacuum filled by non state actors like you.
Examples. Syria, Libia and somalia
When state institutions wither this is what happens!
“The difference between a free man and a slave is the possession of arms” Yet another cliche!
Atta Babur i am sure you are not even understand the meaning of "balance of the power" it means , a situation in which nations of the world have roughly equal power.
Ever since i have owned a gun ive become way more patient and humble, especially when i have a gun on me, I keep myself from getting into arguments or fights. So i would rather say that guns teach u restraint. i have had guns for many years, yet ive not killed anyone. Neither do i know of anyone legal gun owner in my circle who even has a committed the smallest of crime. If u analyse, u will find out that there would be less than one in a hundred case where a licenced weapon was used in any illegal activity. But i guess people here want to be submissive to the aggressors…
If guns really cause voilence and deaths mine are really stupid and lazy. If you have someone breaking into your house you’re gonna be wishing someone with a gun reaches your house asap. A stupid anti gun movement would only make tax paying people like myself loose my weapons. Do you rrally think a bunch of fashionable kitty aunties with playcards would make the crimnals turn in their weapons
NO. Frankly no matter what legilations you get passed you are gonna have to kill to make me surrender my arms.
looks like you have been watching too many hollywood and bollywood movies where the hero can fight a whole bunch of bad guys which just his bare hands. Im no such superman hence i need guns for my protection from gun wielding bad asses.
I feel more safe knowing my husband carries a licensed firearm. I am strongly against this anti gun debate.
The point is that we are busy creating our own state.. each in our own little way.. Instead of making the actual state so strong that the rule of law will be paramount
please propose a way as to how would you or for that matter the state ensure keeping weapons off streets? does anyone know about the actual figures or owners of the illegal weapons? No. Then how do u propose that the state take the weapons which they have no hint about?
For your kind information
Unlike Pakistan they do hang such criminals and No their gun laws are very very strict!
This is the fundamental difference between a state that believes in the rule of law and a state that allows a ‘free for all’
we are grooming our children in the same state of mind. What we are leaving for them? we have done our life miles. but for a second, we should think about our new generation. I am sure you must have kinds. we should think about them, hatred, violence, prejudice society.
I will groom my children to defend themselves and their families, i would love to leave behind all my legal weapons for them to use in case of any eventuality and i would teach the safe use of weapons along with the responsibility of owning a weapon
Well, as a good citizen we should strengthen our state, rather taking law in our hands by having arms under the name of self defence. We quote other countries but we are forgetting the fact that in such countries no one is above the law.
How many of us having illegal arms for the sake of self-defence.
Encea Unorthodox Primate. Have you ever been ever in such like
situation or has any of your loved one been subjected to any unwanted
situation before
For your info we ( specially myself ) are law abiding citizens and owns a valid licensed firearm.
If the state have no issues to giving license then no body has right to criticize
If you have any issues with illegal then go and join police, and catch criminals.
For your info we ( specially myself ) are law abiding citizens and owns a valid licensed firearm.
If the state have no issues to giving license then no body has right to criticize
If you have any issues with illegal then go and join police, and catch criminals.
@ jaffar ali
I am not saying you are a vigilante. My point is we should strong our state and law enforcement agencies so we don’t even think of having arms. As a citizen we should be focus on other socio-economic matters.
Aaah the age old battle ‘tween the wannabe intellectual pseudo-elitist anti-gunners and the emotionally dramatic gun-lovers!
I guess the humane society walas have been so brainwashed in their struggle to live the life of a gora that they have stopped looking around them for the prevalent situation! 😉
See, a gora can afford to have animal shelters and Green Peace and anti animal testing protests coz they dont have to worry about not returning home after work… we dont have such guarantees unfortunately. I too would love nothing more than to give up my guns… but until the country is 100% gun free, i’d rather not!!!
A crackdown is needed on crime, not guns! Australia or Switzerland can afford to not have guns… we live in a country where basic finger printing is impossible to do to trace a criminal let alone hi tech forensics. Where police does not have cars that can drive faster than mine on a straight road or rusted guns that jam or where law keepers run a risk of being blown apart, i am expected to trust them to protect me or mine?
Puhleese, cut the crap ladies!!!
Go find a whale to save or a stray dog to neuter and leave my guns alone…
Mr. Ashraful Makhlookat we r not eihter.. The tendency of putting people in compartments never works.
How can we have crime control without gun control. The two feed off each other!
We cannot compete with the first world when our own citizens are armed to the teeth and wiillling to do wreck grevious violence against all and sundry.
Yes we are not Autralia or switzerland. How can we be when our state has all but lost all writ?
Zain Ul Abdeen No.. But the threat is very very real because people have access to fire arms!!
So Mr. Jaffar, u have absolute faith in current pak government and our police? And u r sure that curbing licenses for guns specially handguns, pak will be a safer state? Well let me burst ur happy sadistic bubble that criminals these days r roaming with tape tennis ball bombs. I wonder who gave them license for that? May be we should ban tennis balls as they have the tendencies these days to get filled up with explosives and explode at their convenience on the residence or shop of a targeted trader.
I would also like to know what is ur plan incase of an armed invasion at ur residence or any random act of violence against u when u r out in the public?
Our agencies, police have not been able to curb the inflow ofs to Karachi, let alone whole Pakistan and u wanna take away licensed arms from thtax paying law zens? Karachi is infested with criminals and terrorists armed to teeth and you believe cancelling license will somehow make those criminals and terrorists convert to humanity?
Let me throw another cliche in ur direction: the only thing that can stop a bad guy with the gun is a good guy with a gun. And that good guy does not necessarily have to be an LEA.
How can a bubble be happy and sadistic at any one time? I think u have mixed your metaphors..
The reason our LEAs cant do anything is because theirs is an uphill task Take license revalidation. Now the over worked and under staffed cops have to verify an additional million people. Life would have been so much simpler to simply confisicate ALL weapons and throw every one in jail who had em
Ek kahawat hai.
Ya sheikh apni apni dekh.
Lets pray, ALLAH TALAH save us from all.
Then you should have start the topic HOW WE SAVE OUR CITY/COUNTRY instead of pointing to safe gun community.
Yes.. If my writing skills were good enough I would definetely write about it. But I am not that good 🙁
You have my most profound sympheties.
I hope wish and pray that no one goes though such a situation!! However u do understand that this situation occured precisely due to the fact that ceap weapons are easily accassible once ALL weapons have been taken over by the state. We will all live and breathe easier.
You see sir.. You are an absolute minority.. People 'beome' aggressors presisely because they carry 'death in their pockets.
Jaffar Ali bro please propose a way to ensure that ALL weapons would stay off the streets ? it is something which the most developed countries, with trained and equipped manpower cant ensure. How do you think it can be enforced here? where the Bad Guys actually have support from influential circles. Government has record of only legal weapons, how would they know if someone has an illegal weapon?
i think you are portraying the concept of heaven here? where there will be eternal peace and harmony. In this world the stronger ones would always oppress the weak. Disarming the people will only render them prone and susceptible to aggression.
Jaffar Ali please prove ur case by stating the figures of licenced weapons used in crimes. You wouldnt find any except a few exceptions like Mr Jatoi etc. Who would in any case oppress the weak. What happened in that case? was the state able to keep him behind bars? i remember him waving a Victory sign …
I honestly dont understand why would any sane man have a gun?
I mean is it a macho feeling?
Is it a feeling of satisfaction as a means of hiding ones’s innate inferiority?
Does it make some feel all big and strong?
I mean dont u think it would be better to get councilling rather then buy a gun?
AYESHA HABIB have you ever faced a gun pointed at you in a street just for a few hundred rupees in your purse?.If no then thats the reason you dont understand why a sane man haves a gun.
Dear sister i sincerely pray that a day does not come in life when u regret not having a gun at home. At times one’s honor needs to be protected. No guns dont make us feel us big and strong. They make us a responsible citizen who is ready to face the criminals at time of need. No im not better off by some physcologist’s blah blah, im better off with my guns. THe counselling will not be of any use when someone breaks in my house, attacks my family or my country.
I totally agree with @ Ayesha. If man thinks that having guns make them Hercules i think they are wrong. We have so many other issues. What we would be giving to our next generation? Guns? ( legal / illegal) No way, we should spend this amount on some domestic affairs
I think, we should not even argue with this gun lobby. why waste of time. they won’t under the value of human race and domestication. they have their own reason to keep them.
don’t want to hurt anyones feeling but just think i am bad gay with gun (sorry with illegal gun) and just entered in your house and pull my illegal gun on your head or someone from your family members head.who will come first state police or bullet from my illegal gun?antigun guys can you trust our police?
on other hand if you have a legal gun and had good practice with it then you will definatly shot that bad guy(me) with bad intentions.and defend your love ones.i would love to die attacking bad ass instead of watching some shit heads insulting my family,friends.i would not sit under the table and keep calling 15.
brothers gun don’t kill people.its man behind the gun who pulls the triger.
Bad “gay” with guns? Since when, gays have started carrying guns? lol No wonder, that’s why most of the pro gun forum are full of male specie only 🙂
Even you (bad gay) enters my home with a illegal weapon I wont do anything, just sit and relax. lol
It’s just a spelling mistake MISS or whatever.I wish and pray you never face any bad situation in your life.but if (ALLAH forbid) you face bad situation then come back and tell us how much you relaxed when someone was pulling a gun on your head.i pray again you don’t face any bad situation in life.peace out
Really is very difficult to accept, you are in denial. Soon you will admit it. Chalo, you got to wait till Gay Marriage is not legal.
Nice discussion…..i would like to say it discussion….some people rightly quote religious point and some oppose them by saying thats why muslim world has some "Maara Maari " Problems…..Aaah kindly update local laws of UNCLE SAM too and range of weapon allowed. Furthermore, Israel has made their policy of weaponising the country on the basis of Sunnah of our prophet….Naaah i'm not saying this …their Ex minister of defence made this policy when ISRAEL was in infancy. Adding to the hallucination of Anti-gun lobby…Kindly get your self updated with the policies around the world and kindly also learn in which scenarios Anti-Weapon campaign initiate in civil society…As many people mentioned in their comments every individual has a right to carry legal weapon if he/she likes to…because you dont need courage to fire a weapon…it needs more courage that you have weapon in your and and you dont fire it….by the way on lighter note some people may carry weapon because they can't sing…"KHANJAR hay meri Aankhay Talwaar meri Aankhay…:-).."….. Sorry to Anti-Gun Lobby guys…..its a baseless discussion, with no objective.
Arm yourself and make a difference while all other's complain about the system.
There is no doubt that it is a tragedy when some one takes a life of some one with out a cause . But you can’t blame guns for these killings it will be like blaming cars for road rage and accident . The problem lies with in the person not the tool . To own a gun legally is your last defense to protect your love ones from a threat and owning a legal weapon is a right of a free peaceful citizen and no one can take the right to take our freedom . All the weapons which are being used in the killings in the country are illegal there is no record of using a license weapon in these terrorist activity . To protect our self and our loved one is our right no one should take that away from us .
Too much talk show's sir.
People have mentally prepared themselves to give up their halal earning to anyone with a gun… Only i can help myself after allah.
As for crime's involving liscnced weapon's, yoi can rent a tt for 300-500 pkr. Lisence's are really not a formality sir
jaffar ali bro i respect ur opinion but just imagine for a second that you r a GOOD FIGHTER and ur opponent has a gun.and criminals dont need licenses because they dont fear law.
I think its the right of every person and individual to protect himself and his beloved ones from the evils which we are going through every day & with the passage of time this evil is increasing day by day !!! rather than decreasing, despite all the efforts by LEA . If I was living in Switzerland where crime rate is zero ( According to the statistical data ) then I could’ve thought of not having a weapon for my & my family’s defense, but in a Country where I live, I will not only have weapon ( both for Self Defense at home & for carry outside ), but I will certainly encourage my close friends and Colleagues to do the same.
And as according to our Religion we have to be prepared and to get equipped ourselves against the enemies all the time, so when it clearly written in our Religion, whats left there to talk about IMHO.
Encea Unorthodox Primate if guns wouldnt have been invented then it would have been swords,daggers or it is not the gun who kills but the person who pulls the trigger.gun are just tools if you prefer to not to have a gun in self defence situation then its ur opinion but mine differs.
Fraz Nawaz bro just google the crime rate of UK and US you will not see any difference.but if u see their policies there is alot of difference in UK even police is not armed with guns and they have a special armed unit just like our eliet force which is called upon special request.Where as in US they have well armed police.So it proves that banning all the guns is not the solution.
The solution lies only in rule of law.
So nice to see few anti-gun people here and most of them are living in their selfmade peacefull world i would like to ask all these anti-gun people so if we destroy all the guns and no one have a gun niether criminals nor law abiding citizen would the crime go down or it will be fully elminated from the face of earth?? for example i ask all you so called anti-gunners you are sleeping in your house and around mid night 5 to 10 ten people enter your home and they do not have guns but they have sowards,iron rods and iron sticks things like this and you and your family is alone how would you defend your family??would a single person would be able to tackle 5 to 10 guys they can do anything to your family they can kill you by beating,they can rape your wife,sister,daughter,mother and even you if you are women and this is happening daily even on the roads . I am sure you would not be able to defend and you know the police well when you will go to them they will ask you so many silly question that you would like to be “looted” and “Raped” again instead of going to police stations.But if you are gun owner and youonlt need to fire some warning shots and that is all .Please come to the real world so many families are safe because they have guns and bad guys know that they will be fired back and they do not like to go near them but when you will take legal guns from people we all will be easy pray and except weeping for few days you would not be able to do anything and effects of such incidents are long lasting and are usually remains for generations and so on.We are living in a sociaty where not even a single basic necessity is avialable you can only die easily but finding place for burial is difficult.At the end if you do not want to have a gun please never go for this we are not forcing to you but we want to have and we will keep InshAllah in any case.
“Armed to the teeth and willing to wreak havoc on all and sundry”?
A very realistic picture yoy paint jinaab! 🙂
I carry 2 guns when out n about (1 is primary, the other is backup)
How many scuffles have i got into or mass shootings ive been involved in? None!
If someone cuts me off in traffic, i smile and wave them off. Why? Coz i have a huge responsibility on myself and for others because i carry!
Lets not be opinionated fools out to say anything to prove a point please 🙂 a psychologically imbalanced nutcase can wreak havoc with a rock! So dont blame guns…
All those upper class yuppies who live a mommy-daddy sheltered life with guards and security convoys find it easy to diss guns. But the rest of us who have to venture out to make a living and drive around with our families at night in our unarmoured cars with no bodyguards tend to think differently and affectionately toward the hard, cold comforting steel resting snugly against our waists; we NEED it to escape being robbed, looted, assaulted, raped and possibly murdered.
So try emerging from your ignorant bubbles and think for others too ? 😉
Chaudry Arain, i’m sure you’re not a bad gay… you seem like a very good gay indeed! 😀
Lolz horrible mistake bro.
Encea Zahid, as always we are looking at a shortcut; the easy way out by asking for a total gun ban. A more effective and logical (but hardwork!) Method would be to have more stricter and stringent license issuances. Make psychological testing and personality assessments a part of the license application procedure. Do proper and realistic background checks and only then issue atms licenses. But of course that would have to be a corruption free process and wheres the fun and profit in that? 🙂
The need is to identify and understand the root cause and not throw a childish tantrum that “guns are evil! Guns kill!” If we can openly accept, only then can we bring change. Acceptance is the first step. Denying the root cause and wanting to rid the country of registered, licensed weapons will not rid it of crime as the bad guys dont bother with documentations or registrations and cannot be traced. Lets not cover up our inefficiency and lack of resources to prevent crime, by blaming guns like a spoilt brat please.
Encea, Ayesha, Narmeen etc. It seems you have not been reading or paying attention to the other comments. If yoy scroll up yoy might notice (as long as you dont deny it first) that gun lobbyists have only been justifying and explaining rationally, answering all the questions asked. Where as anti-gunners have been throwing tantrums and playing amateur psychologist 🙂 just have a look neutrally and tell me im wrong?
Im 38 and only liked guns as much as any male child growing up. Crossing my 20s that faded as i stepped into the real world. Only last year i picked up my first handgun in an attempt to learn the skill to be able to defend myself and my loved ones.
I am much more skilled today than an average policeman or soldier! I practiced and learned and trained. Why? Not because i have a complex or question my manliness. But coz i understand that its a big responsibility and unless i know what im doing, a gun would cause me more trouble than relief.
I tell you honestly, if there was some way to confiscate ALL the guns as one of you put it, id gladly give mine away too coz i could certainly do without an additional responsibility in my life and live with peace. Unfortunately confiscating guns will only rid the law abiding citizen of his guns coz only those can be traced thru registration and records. Gangsters and criminals DO NOT have traceable guns and hence those CaNNOT be confiscated! I hope you can read these last 2 lines several times and close your eyes so they can maybe sink in and take meaning…
But in order to understand these things one must emerge from their safe bubble 🙂
Yeah if peace can be maintained without guns and weapons, why you have an Army, Navy, Airforce, Rangers, Police, Military Police, ISI, CID and many other heavily armed security forces in Pakistan? Should they also be disarmed? or do they quality as different species? Are they not the pride of nation today? In a country where everything goes wrong and every news is bad news, are they not the only one people look at with hope? Pakistan is the only nuclear country in the entire muslim world, all those people who were part of that project, are they stupid and fools? If it was upto people like you Pakistan today would have become like Palastine and several nations would be eating from our flesh and drinking from our blood…
Bloodshed is inevitable, wake up, open your eyes and look around you…. Stop eating Meat and Stop eating plants if you all are so sensitive about taking lives. Infact stop taking Anti Antibiotics when you get sick and breed to those bacteria inside of you.
Please grow up and talk sense. If the Prophet SAW who is the most merciful of all had to raise weapons and and wage several battles, then who are we to claim that the world can run without them.
Name me one of the Companions of the Holy Prophet who was not a warrior and did not possess arms.
And don't talk about using hands instead of Guns. I am a martial artist myself and have spend my life learning Karate, Bushiban, Taekwondo and Muay Thai. In front of a gun all of these are useless, unless and until you are in a very ideal situation and that seldom happens.
Fraz Nawaz Yeah he's inspired by Shan!
For Jaffar Ali:
“Instead of attacking guns, what we really need is to register the mentally ill”
There's a famous saying by Albert Einstein, "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
This pretty much raps it all.
If you're MACHO enough to fight a group of lethal armed men with your "2" hands, go ahead, nobody's stopping you. But until the day a SINGLE bad guy has guns. I will keep mine. And since the inception of human beings, there have always been those unwanted creatures, and will have them exist till the end.
You have never handled a weapon, let alone shoot it, I bet on it.
Thus you have no credibility in a gun debate.
That's like a caveman arguing about the 2nd Law of Newton.
“Gun laws don’t work because they make it so only criminals have guns.”
Jaffar Ali We aren't thick heads, we better understand the meaning of "balance of power". The people of Pakistan are NOT well armed and equipped, that includes people like you. That's the reason Karachi is the deadliest city on earth if not down the rank. You have ensured ONLY outlaws have guns, and you discourage law abiding citizens from having guns.
If you don't have guns, then your rulers can kill you if you protest against their evil takeovers and agendas as experienced in the past.
You are slaves of the society, the possession of arms differentiates between a free man and a slave.
Jaffar Ali Yup the threat is indeed very eminent! All the bad guys have bad guns, majority state sponsored. And what's better for them for ease of their evils is an un armed society which trusts institutions blindly.
The response time of police is 1-2 hours IF they even arrive.
Response time of the average handguns is 900 fps.
You don't need the police to inspect your body.
East of West guns are the best. North or South, gun haters walk out!
We are not against the guns and having weapon for Protection and keep the minimum deterrence. I am arguing on the point, as a civilized citizen we should not having guns (legal and illegal). Army, Navy, and other law enforcement agencies are meant to keep the law and order situation. They are expert in it. One person or a group having weapons may create a chaos and may influence others for their own mean or agenda.
As a good citizen we should make our institutions stronger, so no one (internal or external)threaten us.
Jazzii Rock Firstly you need to take away guns from the outlaws, which is never gonna happen till the end of the world. Go try and do it instead of being a keyboard warrior.
“The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.”
And why would you want the peaceful citizens being unarmed while government takes over all.
The citizens are above the government.
Who will guard the guards?
You trust them, you face people like Hitler and Zia.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
— Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
Till then, Ciao.
These ignorant are brainwashed by "vested interests".
Our religion orders all mature well- minded Muslims to keep weapons for defense. END OF DISCUSSION. This is enough for keeping a gun.
If you don't agree with this, you don't follow Allah's word. This country was created as an Islamic Republic, though it isn't, but until you change that status, we will have the right of keeping guns.
@Jaffar Ali people 'become' aggressors when they have state of the art weaponry, and the 'bloody civilians' are unarmed except a handful. Your government is your biggest enemy. They fund illegal weaponry. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Jaffar Ali
Dem burns 😉
More cliches for irrational ignorant dumb gum flappers 😉
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security
of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear
Arms, shall not be infringed.”
United States Constitution, Amendment II
Bill of Rights
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to
keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect
themselves against tyranny in Government.
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Blind trust in your government leads to oppression and genocides of innocents.
And this happened in all ‘1st world’ countries France, Germany, UK, and the list goes on, until there was a civil war and the people overpowered the devils ruling them.
“Guns don’t kill people; people kill people” or “ Limiting guns will only lead to violent people simply using other methods of killing large numbers of people”
“Violence isn’t due to guns; it is due to culture and violence in the media/entertainment industry.”
“Instead of attacking guns, what we really need is to register the mentally ill”
“Gun laws don’t work because they make it so only criminals have guns.”
“Mass shootings only happen in places where there are no guns allowed.”
“The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.”
Some more for ya Jaffar Ali 😉
Burn burn burn 😉
“Cities with gun control laws on the books sometimes have high levels of gun violence and this shows that gun control doesn’t work.”
“Countries like Israel and Switzerland have high levels of gun ownership, but low levels of gun crime, so guns aren’t the real problem”
“Since car accidents kill more people every year then guns, why don’t we ban cars?”
“Background checks do not work because criminals won’t consent to them”
“We cannot rely on the police to protect us because they are underfunded and often unable to get to a crime on time”
Any sane person reading these pro gun comments will be convinced why we need guns but not these anti gun mommy daddy crowd. No, we don’t think carrying guns is macho or manly. We believe they r a tool to defend oneself and the loved ones from violence.
A blanket ban on arms can not work. Moreover, who gives license for hand grenades, rocket launchers, time bombs, suicide bombers etc. Do u think criminals need license to do crimes? But ironically law abiding citizens have to apply for license, police verification, national bank registration, dc office registration and police station registration in order to own a weapon to protect themselves.
A police man can’t be every where every time with every one. One is responsible for his/her own safety.
For people like @Ayesha Habib and other anti-gun ostriches, if you want to ban guns, why dont you ban cars (they can be used as a weapon also, lemme know when you want to have a demo, i'll give you one), lets ban doctors (no offence to doctors but licensed doctors kill more people than licensed firearm owners world wide), lets ban cricket matches (they kill a whole of people betting on them). I met one of you anti-gunners last year. The idiot was raving about how to make streets safe, by banning guns. Then after the seminar he left, being flanked by a VIGO full of gun totting gaurds most of whom were carrying (unlawful) automatics.
Again for anti-gunners carrying or keeping a gun doesnt make us feel macho. On the contarary its added responsibility, financial burden (keeping the licenses upto date, maintaining a weapon all this is not free) but the cost comes with peace of mind that when needed, I will atleast have the ability or atleast a chance to protect my honor and my life and that is one right that My God gives me, My religion commands me, My consititution allows me and damn sure as hell that is the one right i absolutely refuse to give up on.
One of the reasons the crime rate in Switzerland is low despite the prevalence of weapons — and also why the Swiss mentality can’t be transposed to the current American reality — is the culture of responsibility and safety that is anchored in society and passed from generation to generation. Kids as young as 12 belong to gun groups in their local communities, where they learn sharpshooting. The Swiss Shooting Sports Association runs about 3,000 clubs and has 150,000 members, including a youth section. Many members keep their guns and ammunition at home, while others choose to leave them at the club. And yet, despite such easy access to pistols and rifles, “no members have ever used their guns for criminal purposes,” says Max Flueckiger, the association’s spokesperson.
“Social conditions are fundamental in deterring crime,” says Peter Squires, professor of criminology and public policy at the University of Brighton in Great Britain, who has studied gun violence in different countries and concluded that a “culture of support” rather than focus on individualism, can deter mass killings.
“If people have a responsible, disciplined and organized introduction into an activity like shooting, there will be less risk of gun violence,” he tells TIME.
That sense of social and civic responsibility is one of the reasons the Swiss have never allowed their guns to come under fire.
Hitman, jaani as much as i respect and agree with your posts, do you really think your nickname will leave a positive impression on already brainwashed people for Heaven’s sake?! Banda naam toh dhung ka rakhta hai na…
Jaffar Ali As told to you before, institutions aren't made stronger by disarming the law abiding innocents but the bad guys and terrorists, what they've miserably failed at. And secondly, institutions are not God, as proved by history time and time again. We are more expert in it. If you remember it was the institutions who created the demons who've revolted against them now.
Everything can be put to a bad and good use. For eg. a knife if put to a good use can help us cook food, but the same can be used to hurt someone. Guns themselves are a tool to attain/maintain peace and defend oneself. Important is that we teach the society how to safely use the firearms. A lot depends on the user behaviour of utilising anything for good or bad. Banning firearms will not help the cause.
Jaffar Ali Yeah as civilized civilians we shouldn't keep guns (legal and illegal) wow. Then the institutions shouldn't keep guns (legal and illegal) as they are on the same footing to you.
So being a civilized civilian means giving away your rights? NOPE. Does being a civilized civilian mean being defenseless against bad guys and oppressor rulers? NOPE.
Encea Unorthodox Primate
Have heard Annie Oakley & lot others as I love guns n am in competition shooting but my question was " what side are you on " ? criticizing guns n local gun owners but praising western firearm shooters just because they are very good at using guns… what is that? Remember hypocrisy is lot n lot more dangerous (to society & humanity) than guns 😉
A polite society is an armed society.
I’ll put it straight for you anti guns out there.
If guns cause crime, then a mechanic does not fix the car the wrench does, the doctor does not save life’s the medicine does.
Gun control is not about guns its about control of the gun.
heroine and other drugs are illegal show me how you can take them off the streets, there is no way licensed guns are going.
IF you are for gun control, then you are not against guns because the guns will be needed to disarm people.So its not that you are anti gun, you will need the police guns to take away other peoples guns, so you are very pro gun you just believe that only the government which is very ( honest, reliable,moral and virtuous) should be allowed to have guns.There is no such thing as gun control. There is only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of the small police elite and there minions.
That is the issue here.. Every body wants to arm themselves and take care of the own problems. This kind of vigilante mentality leads to destruction of the state. Since we al have guns we solve our own problems and the state and LEAs be damned!
AN Anti gunner with illegal weapons is the height of hypocricy,, Such people give a bad name to the very concept of gun control
Why try to convert an anti gun guy. He has his logic which is beyond me but let him put his trust in Karachi Police.
I guess they should be left at the mercy of Karachi police and the mobile friendly snatchers 🙂
I trust Sindh Police and other law enforcement agencies as well. They are scarifying their lives to project this province. they have given enough blood.
In 2010 robbers snatched bike from my cousin and he got seriously injured as bike slipped and police came after 2 hours.police station was just 5 km away.and A S I said after sitting on chair “desi Murgha arrange kero bhook lagi hey”.yes police is sacrificing lives of “desi Murthgha”.but still there are some good officers in police as well.I know a D S P sahab very honest and helping.most of all crime is almost zero where he is posted.
Some of them are doing a good job but they are understaffed and underfunded with too many black sheep among them.
It is not a ‘I am right and you are wrong’ debate. Anti Gun Lobby has its arguments against firearms but most don’t agree vehemently.
Golda Meir, the Iron Lady of Israel, who decided to buy arms when Israel was in severe economic crisis, was asked by Washington Post about the inspiration of decision which was unpopular at that time; however, was correct for Israel in hindsight. She referred to life of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) that when he was on death bed, he did not have enough to eat but there were Nine swords on the walls of the house of this great man. Not many people knew about his financial position; however, he was remembered as the conqueror of half the world.
Lesson: Weapons are the right choice, in the hands of right men only
Jaffar Ali who said we want to be vigilantes ? We are talking about our families' security, our security and that off our property.
Let me consult the Webster’s dictionary and get back…
Ok, i’m back.
See the police are certainly bleeding, i agree but should we sit around and let it happen?
I’m not saying that civilians should turn vigilante, not at all. But at least understand that a copper cant be everywhere for everyone all the time. At the end we are responsible for our own safety…
oh brother, is there even any use typing all this? I have a feeling im wasting my fingers on deaf eyes 😉
As my last words here, how about live and let live?
You are anti-guns, fine. Do not keep or even appreciate guns.
But let us keep them to do what we must in times of need, God forbid.
Rest assured, banning guns from a society has never in history ever rid a society of crime…. ever! Before the invention of guns crime existed. The slimy bastards used other objects as weapons. In countries where arms have been banned today, crime still flourishes with brazen audacity. Ppl use knives, brass knuckles, even screw drivers to stab with!
So cut the crap. Over and out 🙂
@jaffer ali i just hope godforbid next time your hands can out move a bullet. Otherwise i hope biryani achi bunti ho. Stay safe.
All i know is i need to protect my family and id rather be the one making strike one then thinking afterwords what i could have done.
Irfan Ashraf As I said before, its not their fault, its just that they are a bunch of brainwashed confused ignorant souls.
Btw hypocrites have no credibility in a sensitive debate i.e guns 😉
Jaffar Ali To the already bad concept of gun control. The real concept of gun control is to control your gun.
We live in a world where the weak are almost always preyed upon.
If you are a professional thief or a sexual predator would you invade a home where the people are unarmed or a home where you have the slightest hint that there may be firearms in the house?
I would ask all people who are anti gun to proudly write on there homes that your house is Weapon free to make things easier for the criminals.
It is your duty to protect yourself and your loved ones.
The place where I live has seen anarchy twice so far.The periods of anarchy once lasted a day and the other lasted over 3 to 4 days.During this time the police had locked themselves into there police stations and home invasions intensified greatly.It was at those times that everyone who didnt have weapons wished they did and those who were gun owners felt completely safe.
We did have clubs in the days of old, you know!
took it from facebook/hunting.guns are directly involved
~ ANTI-HUNTER TURNAROUND STORY! Please share! Here stands former anti-hunter Kym Cruickshank from Australia who stood up for herself and in her own words said: “I was an anti, quite a vocal one a few years back. I had a change of heart through reading, thinking for myself, etc. I thought I’d give it a try and discovered its not so bad. Enjoyable would be a better word. I read a couple of years back on Hunting Page that until you saw an anti in a pic, standing over a dead animal with a rifle and a beer in their hand they weren’t worth your time or anyone else’s. So when I finally got to try out my since newly found interest, my first thought was of that comment. Cheers! – Kym Cruickshank ~
Encea Unorthodox Primate
Dear may I ask then how come thousands of muslims are being slaughtered all across the globe ? This means that they all donot have Allah. What about Battle of Uhhad with many muslim casualties. Don't tell me those companions of Prophet did not have Allah as their protector too!!
Jaffar Ali Bro who would do that and any suggestions how to achieve that Utopia ?
The problem with quick solutions is that they make us both smug and complecent. The “Have Gun Will Use” option sounds good. In fact very good. But is it?
No. Why? Because every body now carries the solution in his pocket and as such does the ‘needful’ as and when he likes. In the end my freinds ‘the ends really DONT justify the means”
@Jaffar Ali, I agree with you. But I read something that made me doubtful. Weren't there any violence before guns, gunpowders and stuff? If no, then you are obviously right. Secondly, if the government have to ban and abolish guns (licensed and unlicensed, both) then, this should be done by destroying all the guns in the whol world. If there remain a single firearm, then it will be unwise to finish others.
No one must have guns, OR, everyone must have guns!!!
I agree with you, all the Anti-gunners.
But I read something that made me doubtful. Weren’t there any violence before guns, gunpowders and stuff? If no, then you are obviously right. Secondly, if the government have to ban and abolish guns (licensed and unlicensed, both) then, this should be done by destroying all the guns in the whol world. If there remain a single firearm, then it will be unwise to finish others.
No one must have guns, OR, everyone must have guns!!!
Jaffar, if you’re willing to sacrifice all that is near and dear to you in order to wait for a long term solution as opposed to a quick pocket remedy, be my guest. But allow others to have guns; others who would rather take necessary and immediate action to defend the life, property and pride of their loved ones and not wait for a romantic, Utopian means that in your eyes would justify the happy ending…
Keeping a legal gun by a common civilized man is just like keeping a first aid box or medicines at home. You do not go each and every time to hospital or doctor (institutions) for quick help. Maybe tomorrow you can argue on the medicines people kept at home and says since we have big hospitals and doctors available, why these civilized citizens are keeping the medicines at home 🙂 Sounds funny na?
Even in Pakistan, our Army Generals, Brigadiers and other top ranking officers are using bullet proof or bomb proof cars for their own safety in addition of dozens of armed soldiers running in front and back of their cars. If these law enforcement agencies could give bullet proof car to my safety then why the hell shall I carry a leagal weapon for my own safety?
Even in Pakistan, our Army Generals, Brigadiers and other top ranking officers are using bullet proof or bomb proof cars for their own safety in addition of dozens of armed soldiers running in front and back of their cars. If these law enforcement agencies could give bullet proof car to my safety then why the hell shall I carry a leagal weapon for my own safety?
Jaffar Ali … And what about the weapons that a state owns?
Jaffar Ali …..If you can arrange a 24/7 armed body guard from STATE for my and my family safety, I will surrender by licensed weapon. 🙂
Atta Babur … 100% agree with you Sir!
This was the reason Pakistan tested their nuclear warheads after India to show the balance of power.
Time to ban guns and progress develop a technology that knocks people out just like tranquilizers (im sure better scientific solutions are aware- countries are just benefiting from gun trade) esp for the local crimes. Ban guns… BAN BAN BAN
Guns don’t kill people, its mentally sick human beings who do so.
Licensed weapons are every citizens basic right in all sane societies.
Anti- gunners are cowards speaking against legal guns only
Starbucks in 20013 asked its American customers to please not bring their guns into the coffee shop. This was part of the company’s concern about customer safety and follows a ban in the summer on smoking within 25 feet of a coffee shop entrance and an earlier ruling about scalding hot coffee. After the celebrated Liebeck v McDonald’s case in 1994, involving a woman who suffered third-degree burns to her thighs, Starbucks complies with the Specialty Coffee Association of America’s recommendation that drinks should be served at a maximum temperature of 82C.
Although it was brave of Howard Schultz, the company’s chief executive, to go even this far in a country where people are better armed and only slightly less nervy than rebel fighters in Syria, we should note that dealing with the risks of scalding and secondary smoke came well before addressing the problem of people who go armed to buy a latte. There can be no weirder order of priorities on this planet.
We use epidemiological theory to explain why the “false positive” problem for rare events can lead to large overestimates of the incidence of rare diseases or rare phenomena such as self-defense gun use. We then try to validate the claims of many millions of annual self-defense uses against available evidence
I have no idea what Robert and Ali Raza just said
We all need guns for self-protection. Its like men, you can’t live with them, you can’t live without them 🙂
Jaffar Ali, you really must be demented. There is not a chance in hell that ALL firearms could ever be taken off the streets.
Very few liscenced guns are used in crimes, most of them are illegal. How do we track and confiscate those.
Maybe you do not value your life or the lives of your loved ones that highly…. but I do and I do not trust ANY of these so-called security agencies or any of our "political jokers" to ever lift a finger to protect the common man.
When illegal firearms are being confiscated on a regular basis then I'll gladly hand over mine.
So kindly quit living in your little dream world because that's not gonna happen in this country for the forseeable future.