At a Third Wave Coffee outlet in Bengaluru, an employee secretly placed a mobile phone in the women’s restroom to record for approximately two hours at the company’s BEL Road outlet.
The incident came to light through an Instagram post by ‘Gangs Of Cinepur’, where a user discovered the phone concealed in a restroom dustbin, positioned towards the toilet seat and set to flight mode to avoid making any noise.
Responding to the incident, Third Wave Coffee expressed regret and emphasized that such behaviour is completely unacceptable within their operations. “We acted swiftly to address the situation by terminating the involved employee immediately and taking steps to ensure the safety of our customers,” stated the coffee chain, which operates several outlets across India.
The police have since arrested the employee, a man in his early twenties from Bhadrawati, Karnataka, under relevant IT Acts, confirming his legal apprehension.