“Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree” has released a captivating new story trailer. This trailer reveals intriguing details about the Realm of Shadow, where this expansive addition to the action RPG takes place.
The expansion, slated for release on June 21, is now available for pre-order on Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms.
The trailer highlights the lore surrounding Miquella and his brother Malenia and introduces the primary antagonist, Messmer the Impaler. As the narrative unfolds, viewers learn of a betrayal sparking the creation of Gold and Shadow, leading to a fiery and dishonourable conflict within the Land of Shadow.
This cinematic piece hints at a grand new adventure in a fresh, expansive world. Hidetaka Miyazaki, the director of Elden Ring, has hinted that the expansion’s scale is immense, potentially exceeding the size of Limgrave from the original game.
First announced in February 2023, “Shadow of the Erdtree” promises to be FromSoftware’s largest expansion to date, offering a rich addition to the Elden Ring universe. The expansion requires the base game to play.