Drew Barrymore recently hosted Vice President Kamala Harris on her talk show. On the show, Barrymore suggested that Harris become America’s “Momala,” sparking a flurry of criticism online.
Barrymore expressed her sentiment by saying, “I’ve been thinking that we really all need a tremendous hug in the world right now, but in our country, we need you to be Mamala of the country.”
Harris responded with laughter, agreeing with a simple “Yes.”
The exchange did not sit well with many, leading to widespread mockery and condemnation from political commentators. Brigitte Gabriel, president of ACT for America, criticized Barrymore’s remarks on X, asserting, “Drew Barrymore is gaslighting; NO ONE wants Kamala Harris to be ‘Momala’ for the country.”
Fox News host Will Cain compared the commentary to other political remarks, questioning the public’s perception of leadership. “Howard Stern calls Joe Biden the ‘Father of the Country.’ Drew Barrymore says Kamala needs to be our ‘Momala.’ Who exactly is in a cult? These people aren’t looking for a leader; they’re looking for surrogate parents,” Cain stated.
Author Oli London labelled the interview a “Drew Barrymore participates in cringe-worthy and fawning display with Kamala Harris.”