Delhi-based cafe owner Puneet Khurana recorded a video alleging that mental torture and unreasonable demands from his wife, Manika Pahwa, and her family led him to consider suicide in Delhi’s Model Town area; Khurana left a series of video statements detailing his distress.
In these videos, Khurana recounted how the divorce proceedings, initially filed through mutual consent, had turned acrimonious. He claimed his wife and in-laws demanded an additional Rs 10 lakh, which he could not afford. He explained, “I am about to commit suicide because my in-laws and my wife extremely torture me. We have already filed for mutual divorce under certain terms. But now, my in-laws and wife are pressuring me with new demands beyond my capacity.”
Khurana’s family has accused Manika Pahwa, her sister, and her parents of continuous harassment. His sister alleged that the harassment extended beyond financial demands to emotional manipulation, including hacking into Khurana’s social media accounts to torment him further.
On December 30, a heated conversation between Khurana and Pahwa, which was recorded and is now with the police, revealed bitter exchanges about the property and their jointly owned bakery business, “For God’s Cake.” In this 15-minute call, Pahwa used derogatory language and threatened Khurana, intensifying the dispute.
The next day, Delhi Police found Khurana unresponsive in his home, with a mark around his neck, and confirmed his death by hanging. Police have secured Khurana’s phone containing the video statement and call recordings.
Marital Discord and Legal Disputes
Khurana and Pahwa, who married in 2016, initially managed the popular Woodbox Cafe together. However, their relationship deteriorated, leading to mutual divorce proceedings. Despite the agreed terms, Pahwa’s family allegedly escalated the conflict.
Just days before his suicide, Pahwa posted on social media about overcoming “toxicity and narcissistic abuse,” labelling her alleged abusers as “insecure cowards.” Khurana’s family argues that these allegations were strategically timed to distract from her actions and portray her as a victim.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Northwest Delhi) Bhisham Singh stated that an inquiry is underway, and both families have provided statements. The investigation examines call recordings, CCTV footage, and forensic analysis of Khurana’s phone, focusing on the financial transactions and property disputes at the heart of the case.