In Bahadurabad, Karachi, a robbery at a local computer shop took a deadly turn. The incident, captured by CCTV, showed two robbers arriving on separate motorbikes and proceeding to loot the shop at gunpoint.
The robbers, targeting laptops, cash, and mobile phones, quickly filled their bags with the stolen goods. The brazen daytime robbery has caused a stir in the community, raising concerns about safety and crime.
Unbeknownst to the robbers, the shop owner, armed and vigilant, took matters into his own hands. After the robbers fled the scene, the owner gave chase, leading to a confrontation near Charminar Chowrangi.
In a decisive moment, the shop owner opened fire, fatally shooting one of the robbers, identified as Yasir. While ending the immediate threat, this action has sparked discussions on self-defence and the risks business owners face.
The second robber managed to escape with the looted items, leaving behind chaos and questions. Police officials are now investigating the incident, focusing on identifying and capturing the accomplice. The community remains on edge, waiting for answers and justice, as the police work to piece together the events of this tragic encounter.”