Chief Minister Pervez Khattak has announced that the construction of Bab-e-Peshawar flyover will be completed within 120 days.
The deadline for the mega project was announced during the inauguration ceremony yesterday. The event was attended by the chief minister, Minister for Local Government Inayatullah Khan and other government officials.
The two-level flyover project will be constructed on Hayatabad-Jamrud Road at the cost of Rs1.77 billion. “The provincial government has signed an agreement with National Logistics Cell (NLC), a construction company,” Khattak said. “Under the agreement, the project must be completed within four months.”
He said the provincial government will assign more projects to the state-owned company if it manages to deliver on time.
“The provincial government believes in transparency and that is why we have given the contract to NLC,” read a handout issued by the information directorate the same day.