

North Korean missiles will be able to reach US after modernization: Ifax cites Russian lawmaker

North Korea’s leadership has told Russian lawmakers that it possesses a ballistic missile with a range of 3,000 kilometres (1864.11…

1 Min Read

Residents in northern California evacuated amid fast-spreading fires

Buildings in California’s Napa and Sonoma counties were being evacuated early on Monday morning after multiple, fast-spreading wildfires engulfed the…

3 Min Read

US Vice President exits NFL game after anthem protest

US Vice President Mike Pence walked out of an NFL game Sunday after some players kneeled for the national anthem,…

6 Min Read

Three journalists arrested over Venezuela prison report

An Italian, a Swiss and a Venezuelan journalist have been arrested as they prepared a report on a prison in…

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Chinese watchdog says 1.34 million officials punished for graft since 2013

China’s anti-graft watchdog said roughly 1.34 million lower-ranking officials have been punished since 2013 under President Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption drive.…

2 Min Read

Catalonian independence: Key points of the plan

Catalonia's separatist leaders have threatened to declare independence after pressing ahead with a banned referendum on secession which they say…

6 Min Read

US to sell $15bn THAAD missile defense to Saudi Arabia

The US government has approved the sale to Saudi Arabia of the advanced Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile…

3 Min Read

At least six die during Colombia protest over coca crop removal

At least six farmers protesting the removal of coca crops, the base ingredient in cocaine, were killed during a confrontation…

3 Min Read

Las Vegas shooter also considered Boston and Chicago: reports

The Las Vegas gunman who carried out the deadliest mass shooting in recent US history also had scouted possible locations…

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