

Ridiculous age gap between father and son baffles NADRA

Officials of National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) are baffled  how a 93 year old man could be a father of…

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Greedy diety? Indian court summons Hindu god over land grab

A court has served a Hindu god with a summons for illegally encroaching on government land in eastern India after…

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Indian police may have new weapon: Chilli-loaded slingshots

Police in northern India might soon use slingshots loaded with chilli powder and marbles to tackle unruly protesters in the…

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Cockroach crawls into teen’s ear: Gives birth to dozens of baby roaches

A Chinese teenager was rushed to a hospital after waking up in middle of the night with severe pain and…

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Appetizers anyone? Prehistoric man enjoyed snacking on roasted tortoise

Prehistoric cave-dwellers happily enjoyed snacking on tortoises roasted in their shells as an appetiser or side dish, as par Ran…

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Are we alone in this universe? CIA documents reveal UFO data

“Are we alone in this universe?” This question has fascinated the homo sapian species. And despite all the technological advancements…

5 Min Read

Dubai cops lands in jail after posting Messi passport on Social media

A Dubai court sentenced a policeman to serve at least one month in prison earlier yesterday... For posting a video…

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Jaws: Shark gobbles shark in Seoul aquarium

Visitors to a giant aquarium in Seoul yesterday saw the end result of a territorial dispute between two sharks, which…

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Uber rich businessman buys picture of potato for €1 million

A highly sought after photographer has sold a photograph of an Irish potato for €1 million. Kevin Abosch, 46, said he…

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