A video featuring Savitri Thakur, a minister from India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), struggling to write correctly, has garnered significant attention on social media.
Reports from Indian media outlets indicate that Thakur, who purportedly completed her education up to the 12th grade, failed to accurately write the government’s slogan “Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao” (Educate the Daughter, Save the Daughter) in Hindi during a “School Chalo Abhiyan” event in Dhar, Madhya Pradesh, where Thakur was the chief guest.
In her attempt, she erroneously wrote “Beti Padhao Bachao” on a whiteboard, which quickly went viral online.
The mishap has provoked sharp criticism from the opposition Congress party. Senior Congress leader K.K. Mishra leveraged the incident to question Thakur’s competence in managing her responsibilities as the Minister for Child and Women’s Development.
Mishra advocated for a constitutional amendment to establish educational qualifications for candidates in elections, highlighting the need for competent leadership in governmental roles.