According to the latest central bank data, total assets of all scheduled banks stood at Rs10,400.076bn in the week ending October 24, up 0.31 per cent over the preceding week’s level of Rs10,368.022bn.
This compares with last year’s corresponding figure of Rs9,172.005bn. Meanwhile, total assets of all commercial banks stood at Rs10,218.242bn in the week, up 0.3 per cent over the prior week’s figure of Rs10,187.18bn. Total assets of all specialised banks stood at Rs181.834bn in the week, against the previous week’s Rs180.842bn.
According to the weekly statement of position of all scheduled banks for the week ending October 24, cash and balances with treasury banks of all scheduled banks decreased 9.66 per cent to Rs666.603bn, against the earlier week’s figure of Rs737.924bn. The current week’s figure is higher by 3.46 per cent when compared with last year’s corresponding figure of Rs644.321bn.