WhatsApp users have frequently encountered quality issues with shared photos and videos, typically experiencing pixelation unless selecting the HD option before sending.
Meta is set to eliminate this inconvenience with a new feature in its instant messaging app, as reported by 9to5Mac. This feature will automatically set photos to high-definition (HD) quality by default, removing the need for users to manually select HD for each photo, enhancing the ease of sharing high-quality media.
Both iOS and Android users can set HD as the default quality for sending high-resolution media via WhatsApp. This option is available in the “Storage and Data” menu within WhatsApp’s settings.
Standard quality compresses iPhone photos to 960×1280 pixels, whereas HD maintains the original resolution of 3024×4032 pixels. Even with HD activated, some compression still occurs, but it is significantly less severe than before.
WhatsApp previously introduced a similar feature for video, enabling the app to send videos at 720p instead of the standard 480p. This new default quality setting also extends to videos.