Tag: Supreme Court of Pakistan

The Supreme Court of Pakistan is the highest judicial authority in the country and plays a critical role in upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of citizens. PhotoNews Pakistan provides the latest updates on the Supreme Court, including its decisions, hearings, and judgments, as well as analysis and commentary on its impact on Pakistani society. Stay informed about the workings of the judiciary and its impact on the country on PhotoNews Pakistan.

Pakistan Supreme Court Defines ‘Obscene’ and ‘Vulgar’ Material in Landmark Ruling

In a significant ruling, the Supreme Court determined that 'obscene' and 'vulgar'…

Jaffar Khan 2 Min Read

SC to Hear Petitions Challenging the Supreme Court’s Practice and Procedure Bill 2023

The Supreme Court will begin hearing three petitions on Thursday that challenge…

Jaffar Khan 3 Min Read

Supreme Court to Rule on Election Commission’s Funding and Security Report

The Supreme Court is expected to issue a ruling today after examining…

Jaffar Khan 1 Min Read

CJP Aims to Heal Rift Within Supreme Court Amid Election Delay Controversy

Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Umar Atta Bandial has contacted fellow judges…

Jaffar Khan 3 Min Read

ECP May Miss Funds Deadline for Punjab Elections

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) may not receive the required funds…

Jaffar Khan 1 Min Read