Former Indian tennis star Sania Mirza announced her upcoming journey to perform Hajj, expressing her gratitude for this spiritual opportunity.
On Instagram, she noted, “As I prepare for this transformative experience, I humbly ask for your forgiveness for any wrongdoings and shortcomings. My heart is filled with gratitude for this chance to seek redemption and spiritual renewal.”
Sania added, “Allah accepts my prayers and guides me on this blessed path. I am deeply fortunate and feel immensely grateful.”
She also requested support from her followers: “Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I embark on this journey of a lifetime. I hope to return as a better human with a humble heart and stronger imaan.”
It was also revealed that Sania’s sister, Anum Mirza, and brother-in-law, Muhammad Asaduddin, will join her on the pilgrimage to Hajj.