Ryan Garcia, a renowned boxer, is facing severe legal and personal challenges as his estranged wife, Andrea Celina Velarde, was recently granted a restraining order against him.
Velarde cited Garcia’s threats towards her family and described his behaviour as violent and erratic, prompting her to seek legal protection.
The incident that catalyzed her decision occurred on July 19 when Garcia confronted her and her brother at a restaurant, leading to a threatening altercation that continued outside her home. During this encounter, Garcia allegedly threatened to harm her brother and other family members, escalating the situation dramatically.
In response, Velarde provided the court with text messages from Garcia threatening violence, which were central to her obtaining the restraining order. Amid these tumultuous events, Garcia apologised to Velarde, wanting to resolve their issues amicably. Despite the ongoing legal drama, reports indicate that Velarde has contacted her lawyer to consider rescinding the restraining order.
Meanwhile, Garcia’s decision-making remains questionable. He recently appeared on a controversial show hosted by streamer Vitaly, known for catching child predators. Garcia’s participation, where he proposed to box the apprehended predators, and his discussions about conspiracies add complexity to his public and legal persona.
The situation remains fluid, with potential legal adjustments pending, while Garcia’s actions continue to draw significant public and judicial scrutiny.