Karachi Rangers have detained and released Pakistan Sunni Tehreek (PST) Chief, Sarwat Ijaz Qadri on wee hours of Monday.
According to spokesperson of PST “Rangers had invited Qadri and Ghauri for a meeting at their headquarters in Mithadar almost seven hours ago. After a long interrogation, the paramilitary troops sent Qadri’s armed bodyguards and driver away saying the PST leaders are now under their custody,”
Earlier, Sindh Rangers on Thursday and Saturday raided at PST two centers in Karachi on the basis of information provided during interrogations by the PST workers already in custody.
Qadri talking to media denied he was detained or arrested, he further added that “There has been a misunderstanding. The news of my visit to the Rangers headquarters was misreported by the media,” Qadri said adding,” The PST believes in complete cooperation with the the law enforcement agencies.”
Read: Karachi Rangers raid Sunni Tehreek office, seize documents