On Friday, the Lahore High Court (LHC) was informed that the Punjab government has initiated the process of forming a committee. This development is in response to the demands made by Peter Charles, a representative of the Christian community, who has been advocating for a judicial commission to investigate the distressing events that unfolded in Jaranwala. The committee is tasked with assessing the necessity of establishing this commission. According to the details conveyed to Justice Asim Hafeez, the committee’s findings will later be presented in court. The justice subsequently adjourned the court proceedings until September 22, giving time for the committee to conduct its analysis and prepare its report.
Last month, the Christian community expressed their grievances, highlighting their vulnerability to continuous threats and pressure from some Muslim extremists and police officials to compromise with the assailants. Charles, chairman of the Grace Bible Fellowship Church Pakistan, initiated the petition through advocate Shahbaz Fazal Saroya, outlining the severe failures of the local administration and law enforcement in preventing the violent mob from setting fire to approximately two dozen churches and attacking Christian residences based on blasphemy allegations in Jaranwala town, Faisalabad.
Petition Details and Further Proceedings
The petition filed paints a disturbing picture of the events that transpired on August 16, 2023. Charles alleges that a false announcement made at a local mosque concerning the desecration of the Holy Quran ignited the violent reactions from the mob, which resulted in more than 25 churches being torched. The petitioner has requested the court to closely examine all potential co-accused and extremists identified through CCTV footage and other evidences. Moreover, the petition urges for immediate financial and administrative assistance to be extended to the victims, enabling them to rebuild their lives without facing grave repercussions.
In response to the petition, a preliminary report was submitted to the court by the chief secretary, stating that 21 First Information Reports (FIRs) were registered at various police stations in Jaranwala, as reported by the Inspector General Police (IGP) Punjab. Furthermore, the government has assembled 10 Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) to scrutinize the cases closely. Considering the developments, the chief secretary has suggested the petition be dismissed at this stage.