The Punjab government has declared a compensation of Rs2 million for each family affected by the recent Jaranwala mob violence. Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab, Mohsin Naqvi, announced that relief cheques will be distributed within two to three days. This decision followed a historic cabinet meeting chaired by CM Naqvi in a church – a first in Punjab’s history. The meeting, attended by senior officials and secretaries, was a gesture of solidarity towards the Christian community affected by the violence.
Interfaith Collaboration and Church Rehabilitation
Post the cabinet meeting, CM Naqvi engaged with members of the peace committee at Jamia Masjid Sabri in Jaranwala, where representatives from various religious backgrounds gathered. Emphasizing unity, Naqvi mentioned that Muslim scholars had offered Christians the use of mosques for worship, especially if their churches were damaged. He praised the peace committee’s stance, stating it conveyed a message of harmony, particularly vital after the tragic events of August 16. Highlighting the government’s supportive role, Naqvi said rehabilitation work on the damaged churches had commenced. Two churches have been restored, and while some paused their restoration awaiting design changes, the government pledged to cover all related expenses.
Commitment to Justice and Community Healing
CM Naqvi firmly addressed concerns regarding the perpetrators of the Jaranwala incident, assuring that those guilty would face punishment. At the same time, he emphasized that anyone proven innocent would receive appropriate relief. The commitment to the Christian community’s well-being was evident when the Chief Minister and provincial ministers attended the Sunday service at AEC Church in Isa Nagari.