Nearly 100,000 residents were relocated from flood-stricken Punjab villages, as emergency services reported on Wednesday. The unexpected breach of the Sutlej River’s banks on Sunday led to the submersion of numerous villages and vast stretches of agricultural land in the central province. Emergency teams have been rigorously working to shift locals and their livestock to elevated regions.
Punjab emergency services spokesperson Farooq Ahmad conveyed, “A total of 100,000 individuals have been safely evacuated and repositioned.”
Interim Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi, stated that the overflow of the Sutlej river was instigated by the release of surplus reservoir water by Indian authorities, owing to the monsoon showers. This has resulted in the flooding spilling over to the Pakistani territory. Immediate comments from the Indian side remain pending.
Furthermore, the Punjab Disaster Management Agency issued a warning, highlighting that the impending monsoon showers may intensify the current flood situation.
It’s essential to note that Pakistan is still grappling with the aftermath of the catastrophic 2022 floods that overwhelmed roughly a third of the nation, impacting over 33 million inhabitants.