President Asif Ali Zardari convened a high-level security meeting on Wednesday at CM House in Karachi. He directed Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah to launch a comprehensive crackdown on street criminals in Karachi, dacoits in the Kacha area, and drug traffickers throughout Sindh, ensuring regional cooperation.
Consequently, President Zardari demanded an immediate end to illegal land occupation and advocated strict enforcement. He insisted on implementing defined tenures for police officers, emphasizing rigorous performance reviews and dismissing those underperforming.
Additionally, he mandated enhanced security for all foreign nationals in Sindh, particularly Chinese individuals working on CPEC projects.
The meeting included key figures such as Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi and IT Minister Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, focusing on security improvements. Senior Minister Sharjeel Memon and Minister of Energy Nasir Hussain Shah were also present.
Chief Minister Murad updated the president on the improving security landscape in Sindh, citing recent peaceful, high-profile events. He pledged ongoing monitoring and proactive law enforcement strategies.
Moreover, a report on street crime highlighted a recent decrease in incidents, with several cases resolved through arrests and police encounters.
Plans to curb street crime include expanding the Shaheen Force and enhancing the capabilities of the Madadgar-15 rapid response team. Proposals for E-Tagging repeat offenders and implementing the Sindh Smart Surveillance System were also discussed.
President Zardari stressed the need for the police to target markets trading in stolen goods and emphasized the importance of regular progress updates.
Furthermore, MQM-P leader Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui praised the president’s commitment to Karachi’s safety, suggesting monthly reviews to boost public trust.
Discussions on the Kacha area included measures like establishing additional police pickets to thwart kidnapping and criminal activities.
Regarding dacoit suppression, it was reported that multiple operations had led to significant dacoit casualties and arrests.
President Zardari ordered accelerating the Karachi Safe City project and other infrastructural developments. He emphasized community engagement in resolving tribal conflicts in the Kacha areas and directed the Interior Minister to support the police with advanced equipment.
For narcotics control, he highlighted the need for joint operations and preventative measures in educational settings, including awareness campaigns for educators and parents.
President Zardari reassured the MQM-P delegation of his commitment to overseeing improvements in Karachi’s law and order, stressing the issue’s critical importance.