A video that recently surfaced shows 40-year-old Amina Abakarova allegedly applying mercury to her opponent’s chess pieces, aiming to poison her rival after an insult. The incident, captured during the Dagestan Chess Championship, has gone viral.
According to the New York Post, Russian authorities have suspended Abakarova, who was filmed entering the tournament room, manipulating something from her bag onto the chessboard, and then swiftly exiting. The match took place in Makhachkala, a southern Russian city.
The Telegraph reports that Abakarova faces up to three years in prison if convicted. Her actions came to light when a judge noticed her opponent, Umayganat Osmanova’s, evident discomfort, leading to a review of security footage.
Osmanova, who has known Abakarova since childhood, began experiencing severe dizziness and nausea shortly after the game commenced. Sazhid Sazhidov, president of the Dagestani Republic’s physical culture and sports, confirmed the presence of mercury, which Abakarova later admitted to spreading by breaking a thermometer over the board.
Malcolm Pain from the English Chess Federation expressed his shock over the incident, noting it as unprecedented in chess history. Despite the ordeal, according to Russian media, Osmanova completed the match and secured one of the top positions.