Following violent clashes with police at Karachi’s Numaish Chowrangi, authorities have detained over 300 demonstrators. The incident, which occurred on Tuesday, left six officers injured as protesters reportedly used stones, batons, and gunfire. Among the wounded is Sub-Inspector Raja Khalid. Additionally, the unrest led to the torching of four motorcycles and damage to a police vehicle.
The police have charged 19 individuals with rioting, attempted murder, vandalism, terrorism, and assaulting officers. Meanwhile, ongoing sit-ins by two religious parties continue to severely disrupt traffic across six major locations in Karachi, including Numaish Chowrangi and Abu al-Hasan Isfahani Road. The Karachi traffic police advise commuters to consider alternate routes like Sohrab Goth to Water Pump and Banaras to Orangi Town to avoid delays.
Authorities are calling for patience and alternative routes amidst these disruptions. Additionally, tensions heightened as protesters set ablaze a police post, a vehicle, and six motorcycles at the same location. The escalation prompted a law enforcement crackdown, leading to several arrests and the dismantling of the protest camp. In response, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah directed the Additional Inspector General of Police to restore order and report back. He stressed the importance of respecting the right to protest but condemned any actions that cause harm or chaos, vowing swift action to protect the city’s residents and infrastructure.