In Karachi’s North Nazimabad Block H, two siblings, aged 12 and 11, were safely found 16 hours post their disappearance, marking a significant development. The paramilitary Rangers facilitated their return, suggesting a kidnapping incident with a ransom demand of Rs1 million made to their mother. Contrarily, police speculate the siblings departed voluntarily due to mistreatment at their grandparents’ home.
The incident unfolded when Ayan and Anabiya did not return from a late-night snack purchase, prompting their family to alert the Hyderi police, who then initiated an abduction case based on their uncle Salman’s account.
Salman revealed the family’s background, noting the parents’ separation eight years prior and the children’s residence with their grandmother. He also mentioned their mother’s life in Dubai as a TikTok, emphasizing the absence of familial disputes.
The situation took an unexpected turn when their mother, Shumaila Naz, confirmed their recovery. The children had been traced following a ransom call from abroad, thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Rangers and police using advanced technological methods. The abductors abandoned the children in the Hydari area to evade capture.
SSP Central Zeeshan Siddiqui provided an alternative viewpoint, stating the siblings acknowledged leaving their home by choice. Ayan mentioned in his police statement their voluntary departure, citing a stay at an uncle’s house. His sister attributed their decision to the abuse and chores imposed by their grandmother and aunt. Police are further investigating these claims.